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"Jade what you need is time" my step-brother, Keith said. I looked back at the bags on the floor "I don't know Keith...." I whispered looking at Nikki, who was sleeping. I couldn't leave him again, not like this at least "Jade trust me. You need time, maybe go visit Jen" he spoke then paused "I mean you're worried about her, and how she is, go visit her for at least two days, your little boyfriend will understand" he said.

"Not my boyfriend first off, and second off he won't understand! Do you know the shit that went down when I went off to Paris for work. If I just left now for no reason do you know the even bigger shit show that will happen!" I whisper-yelled "ok well you left for two years Jade, of course he was mad, look you only have to leave for two or three days minimum. Go visit your friend or go somewhere to get away from all of this, you deserve it and you deserve to feel secure and you deserve to feel happy Jade. Listen to me or not, it's your choice, but if he doesn't understand and shit goes down then you need to leave him. If he can't be understanding of your needs then he doesn't deserve you" he said, but the truth was I didn't deserve him "I mean talk to him before you leave this time, but still, and if things get bad call your brothers, Tommy too and we can take care of it" he said.

"Thanks Keith...." I said, my mind caught up in the bliss of everything "yeah of course, this is what I'm here for. And for fucks sake, don't leave until you talk to the man Jade" he said "I have to go now but I love you and call me later ok?" He said and I nodded my head though he couldn't see me "yeah ok, night Keith, love you too" I said and hung up. I slowly climbed back into bed with Nikki and I felt his arm go around me immediately "who was that?" He mumbled "oh uh no one....how much of that did you hear?" I asked "enough to hear you say you love them" he held me tighter "Nikki that was my brother you jealous fuck" I laughed kissing his lips before resting my head on his chest "goodnight Jade..." he said tiredly "goodnight" I rested my arm around his torso.

—Nikki's POV—

I woke up but the bed beside me was empty, I looked around without getting out of the bed but didn't hear anything.

"Jade?" I called out "Jade?" I called again but noticed something crumbled up in the trash can beside the bed, a white piece of paper and all I could see was 'Nikki' written in black ink. I reached in to grab the paper but stopped when the bathroom door opened "Nikki I'm right here" she said stepping out of the bathroom in just a towel making me sit up.

—Jade's POV—

"What are you getting ready for? We have all day before the show" he said patting the spot beside him on the bed.

"Nikki! Get up and get dressed" I said walking to the dresser in the hotel room and going through possible outfits I could wear "why!?"

"Did you seriously forget!" I asked turning to him. His expression was blank, showing me that he did forget "Nikki we have dinner with my parents in an hour" I said turning back to the drawer, trying to find a parent appropriate shirt, even though it didn't matter.

"We're not even together why do I have to go?" He asked getting up from the bed "because Nikki! Tommy has been wanting you to meet our parents for so long, that's all he's been talking about for weeks, so don't ruin this for him or for me" I said turning around to face him "plus what if we were together! Would you still be bitching about meeting my parents?" I said. I knew it wasn't a big deal what he said, but I was so stressed about what was gonna go on with my parents, and seeing them. I haven't talked to them in a while and there was so many thoughts going through my head.

"I'm not bitching!" he said grabbing some clothes and going into the bathroom. I heard the shower start running and I sighed knowing that I started something.

I grabbed the first shirt I saw and slipped on my leather pants, I put on the white, tight, cropped shirt and slipped on white platform boots. I walked over to the desk and slipped on my rings, bracelets, necklace, and put on some earrings before grabbing my purse and walking out the door.

When I got into the elevator, I pulled out the tiny mirror I had in my bag and checked my makeup making sure I looked ok.

"Where's Nikki? Where's Roxy!" Tommy asked for the one millionth time as we waited in the lobby. My stress levels were high and him asking me something I didn't know over and over again just made me more stressed "Tommy, I. Don't. Know. If you really want me to I'll go and get him" I looked over to Tommy and he gave me the look "alright alright I'm going" I said walking away "thank you Jade!"

I walked up to the door of the hotel room and knocked on the door "Nikki!" I knocked on the door again, "Nikki!"

"Tommy's looking-" I started but the door opened and Roxy looked at me before stumbling and walking out. My face dropped and Nikki walked up towards the door with a look of regret on his face "Roxy? Really, MY BROTHERS fiancé!" I slightly raised my voice "Jade-"

"If it was anyone else I wouldn't of cared, but that's my brothers fiancé!"

"So? It's not like he doesn't fuck other chicks!"

"It's different! You're his best friend Nikki!"

"Well it's not like you would put out! A-and she was the first girl that came to my room and I don't know, I felt so-"

"Really? I wouldn't 'put out' is that all that you care about!"

"No! Jade that's not what I mean you know that!" He tried to grab my hand but I pulled it away "look! If you want me to start waiting again I will! I'll show you that I don't care about you putting out" he grabbed my arms and pulled me towards him "Jade listen to me" he grabbed my chin, making me look into his eyes "I won't do it again" he leaned closer to me "I-" he hesitated "I uh...I'm sorry?" He said making me laugh.

"Wow? You apologized? You must really mean it" I teased him. He rolled his eyes and let go of me "Nikki, you said it earlier, we're not together so I don't care who you fuck. Just don't fuck my brothers fiancé, no matter how much I hate her I still don't think that's right" I smiled.

"But we should be! I'll wait until your ready I promise" he said. I knew that he wouldn't wait for anyone else, part of me wanted to think that he really, truly cared, but part of me believed it was only because I was Tommy's little sister and he was just saying that.

"I'll believe when it happens Nikki, now come on we're going to be late"

Dinner was normal, Roxy didn't show and Tommy was nervous about there she was. When we got to the set for their show, it was a shit show. Mom called Roxy a groupie and she got pissed off, doc told Nikki that he should get his mom out for the next song, which obviously wasn't a good idea. Their show was amazing, like always and after the show me and Nikki ditched the after party and went back to the hotel room and drank, and smoked, and fell asleep just talking about anything and everything. I was surprised when Nikki skipped the party, and I think he was surprised in himself too.

—Nikki's POV—

Tonight when I was with Jade I realized she was just someone I could talk to and have a good time with. I didn't want to ditch the after party, but I would do anything to show Jade that I cared about her, that I didn't want her to just put out, that I would wait for her. As she laid on my chest and I played around with her hair, I knew I never felt this way about anyone and it kind of freaked me out a little bit, I wasn't used to feeling this way and it was new to me, but for her I could get used to it.

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