Animaniacs x BATIM/BATDR

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We need more crossover stories like Bendy and the Ink Machine/Bendy and the Dark Revival x Animaniacs.

I even made a cover for one of the stories titled "Animaniacs and the Dark Puddles".


Animaniacs x BATDR

1st idea.) What if Yakko, Wakko, and Dot got tricked by another Plotz's schemes to get rid of them by hiring a worker from another animation studio? Whose name is Wilson?

When the Warners enter Joey's Cartoon World their appearances change to fit in that yellow and black cartoon world; Their eyes will glow yellow sometimes when they use their cartoon powers, and ink will sometimes drip off from their bodies. And they'll hear voices in the dark puddles.

After a day in that cartoon world, They soon meet an animator from the same studio named Audrey. Who becomes a mother figure to them.

And What if they have some of that dark puddle when they were created?

Animaniacs x BATIM

1st idea.) What if Yakko, Wakko, and Dot travel to New York and found an abandoned animation studio? Joey Drew Studios. And what do these kids do? Go in and find anything that is interesting or to make new friends.

They got more than they bargained for.


⚫ Some of my other ideas are Yakko, Wakko, and Dot joining Henry or Audrey on their survival adventure in the studio.

⚫ Another is that the trio is being experimented with by the Keepers. Turn into a demon-like monster like the Ink Demon Bendy.

⚫ Lastly; Yakko, Wakko, and Dot's creator while under a large amount of pressure and stress, what if he was also dealing with the grief of the loss of his wife/fiancé and their unborn child? And that the trio was his vision and inspiration of what his life would have been if his wife/fiancé had lived and had more children. As a way to bring his children to life.


We're always free to choose...

To believe what we want to believe.

But when you step back.

When you really look at where you've been and the things you've done.

Your past will come.

To devour you.


It was a quarter to 11 in the Warner Brothers studio lot and everyone was busy getting their movies and cartoons filmed to be ready for the public to watch on the big and little screens. Everything seems to be going smoothly...


That is until the Warners were running by the sets while trying to escape Ralph the Security Guard.

This happens every day, for the past hour on the dot since the Warner Brothers and sister escaped from the studio's iconic water tower. And the studio's CEO is at his wit's end at their zany antics. Something has to be done.

"Something has to be done with those kids!" Plotz shouted at the Studio's psychiatrist and Nurse. "But how? Nothing we seem to do works." said Otto, "And no matter what we do they won't take what we say seriously." Said Hello Nurse.

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