Chapter 17

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Shoto's P.O.V
"It's done" I said looking at where Izuku and Izumi was at "you did good Shoto this had to be done" Inko said "I know I just wish I didn't have to" I said I started to cry Inko rubbed the tears off my face and it looked like she had a idea "you know you can watch then just not help them" Inko said "I guess we can but I want to know what they are saying" I said "well there has to be a spell for that right?" Mum asked "I guess so hmm I think I can do it" I said "okay then can you do it now?" Eijiro asked "yeah, yeah of course" I said I did the spell to see them but they can't see us then I did some thinking and did a spell for us to understand what Izuku and Izumi is saying "it's okay Izumi it's okay" Izuku said we see that it's raining and Izuku is looking for something then it looks like Izuku found something "you did it Shoto" Katsuki said "yeah I did" I said "up you go" Izuku said biting Izumi gently on the back of her neck and flanged her over onto his back "ahh" Izumi sounded Izuku then started to run very fast to a mountain after about five minutes of watching Izuku searching for something it seems like he found something then he runs to a cave, our mum's and Inko walked out to leave us alone we all got changed and we got into bed watching Izuku and Izumi, Izuku and Izumi are lying down on the drowned we see that Izumi was falling asleep "hey Izumi what about we tell because you can't fall asleep" Izuku said "hmm yeah that sounds good" Izumi said "okay umm what have you been reading?" Izuku asked "is that really okay what if you hadn't read it yet?" Izumi asked "it's okay I don't mind" Izuku said "okay then so-" Izumi was starting until there was a knock at the door I got up and answered it was a guard "yes?" I asked "you and the other Kings have a Kingdom meeting sir" the guard said "okay then we'll start going there in 10" I said "of course sir" the guard said bowing I closed the door and I turned around Eijiro and Katsuki are already up and ready "I'll go get Inko" I said undoing the spells "okay then we'll meet you and Inko at the throne room" Katsuki said "okay then" I said I opened the door and I walked over to the mum's bedroom Inko was already outside the bedroom "hello Inko my I?" I asked I held out my arm Inko links her arm with mine "you may" Inko we then started to walk after about ten minutes of walking we got to the throne room all four of us walked in there was whispers mostly where Izuku was and why Lady Inko is here and all of that type of stuff when we got to our thrones I didn't sit down but Inko, Katsuki and Eijiro did I put my hand up and everyone was silenced "I guess you all are wondering why Lady Inko is here and not King Izuku" I said I looked at Inko to see if I can say anything she nods her head yes "but I have an anointment first we have found our last soulmate" I said "that's great" one people said "good for you all" one other people said "hurray!!" the rest said "and our last soulmate is a werewolf so King Izuku and thee soulmate are undergo Bond-a-Earth so Lady Inko will be here in King Izuku's place until fader notice, so let's start right now" I said finishing as I sat after a few hours we go back to our bedrooms I did the spells and we got changed we sat on our bed and watched we see Izuku walk into the cave with a dead deer "no he wouldn't eat meat he's a vegetarian" Eijiro said "but he's also a werewolf right now and his diet is mostly meat same with Izumi and she is mostly vegetarian but she eats white meat only" I said "yeah but why can't I see Izumi "Izumi? Where are you?" Izuku called out we see him sniffed the air then we see him looked outside then he ran outside and ran again after a few seconds we see three hyenas cornered Izumi "Izumi no" Eijiro said "GET. AWAY. FROM. HER!!!!" Izuku yelled and growled at the hyenas they run away Izuku walked over to Izumi "Izumi it's just me now come on let's go back now" Izuku said Izumi got up and took a few steps and fell to the ground "it's okay she wasn't hurt she just got the shit scared out of her is all" I said "okay that's good" Katsuki said we see Izuku bite her gently on the scruff on her neck and he walks back to the cave he walks in front of the now food "i-is that" Izumi said "it's our food so let's eat" Izuku said he started to eat we see Izumi just stared at it for a second and looked away she got up and walked more in the cave Izuku looked shocked Izumi you need to eat it tastes like chicken" Izuku said "no I'm a pesce-pollotarian" Izumi said Izuku grabbed some meat and walked over to Izumi I placed it in front of her then Izuku sits down "I wouldn't like about something like that it really tastes like chicken... just have a bit I'm also a vegetarian but I also know that I need to eat meat to survive, so please eat it" Izuku said Izumi looks at the meat then at Izuku then at the meat again then she eats it then she has a shocked face "it does taste like chicken" Izumi said "see I told you so" Izuku said "I guess it does taste like chicken" I said "yeah hahaha" Eijiro said "hahaha" Katsuki laughed after they finished eating Izuku and Izumi just lied down next to each other talking for the next to 2 hours we had moved all our work stuff into our bedroom and did work "hey Izuku and Izumi are on the move" Katsuki said so I looked up we see that Izumi and Izuku are outside and Izumi is staying very close to Izuku "Izumi you can go and run just stay close" Izuku said "no thank you I would like to stay here with you" Izumi said "aww poor sweetheart" Eijiro said Katsuki and myself nodded yes "that's okay if you do want to run then tell me first okay?" Izuku asked "okay I will" Izumi said it looks like they got to a area that Izuku wanted but Izuku grabbed some leaves and sticks and ran back to the cave then running back 12 seconds later Izuku did the same thing for about ten times Izumi was playing in the dead leaves they stayed out for a hour before their went back to the cave Izumi saw all the bedding stuff "you can start making the bed if you would like if you need anymore wait for me to come back because I need to get us some food so I'll be gone for a few hours again" Izuku said "oh I get it now all those leaves and sticks are bedding stuff" I said "yeah I do get it now as well" Katsuki said "yep I do now too" Eijiro said "oh okay I'll start right now then" Izumi said "you okay?" Izuku asked "yeah I just wish I could help you more is all" Izumi said "I know you do but you need to gain some confidence so then you can get more bigger so go and make our bed okay?" Izuku asked "okay then" Izumi said Izuku kissed her forehead and walked off going to get food then we fell asleep.

1356 words

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