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The sky was the most beautiful shade of baby blue and baby pink. As a perfectly yellow sun chased the blue away.

Alastor jolted awake with a gag.
"Not again, not again, not again..." He spewed out quickly as he ran to the bathroom.

It had been at least 3 more months since they last went to the doctor again. They still didn't know the baby's gender and Alastors pregnancy was clearly nearing its end. He looked like he was about to pop.

The bile burned in Alastors throat after he hurled again.
"A-angelll...!" He wailed out in distress.
Angel had gotten used to Alastors morning sickness schedule and had already gotten up.

"I'm coming Al..." Angel yawned.

Alastor cried into the toilet bowl, a change of pace sinse recently, after he threw up his guts, he was a goddamn sassafras.

"Want some cuddles...?" Angel shyly offered.
Alastor, fragile as ever, nodded, and Angel softly embraced him.

"I'm so fucking done with this...! We haven't even set up the nursery because we don't know what this monster in my body is, and they are due anyday now...!" Alastor hiccuped and stressed.

"Hey..." The spider soothed. "Slow down a bit... it'll be okay, we have everything we need we only have to decorate and that can wait. I'll even do it all for you."

Alastor lifted his head up and sniffled in a little fit of laughter. "Angel, you can't decorate to save your life..."

Angel rolled his eyes. At least the pregnancy ball of stress was a little back to normal.

"I know that you want to get right back in bed and have a sweet breakfast when you wake up, so I'll do all of that. If that baby comes sliding out, I want you to be laying or sitting at least..." Angel wasn't only familiar with the barfing schedule but with all of the pregnancy timings, to which Alastor found charming.

"Awe... you actually care..." Alastor smiled slyly.

"Don't humor yourself, babe." Angel snickered in friendly retort.

Alastor shook his head and, pregnantly hobbled back to bed while Angel prepared everything he needed for a nice breakfast.

It's probably about an hour later, and Angel served up some breakfast in bed.

Alastor, of course, cried his pitiful thanks.

"Alright, Mr. I have to take your place at Charlie's little business meeting." Angel said as he started to walk towards the door.
"And that's what you're wearing?" Alastor chimed in after he swallowed his first big mouthful.

Angel chuckled alastor, would, of course, want to be represented in class and style.
"Calm yer tits babe. It's not that formal. The princess herself even said so in the letter. Did you even read the letter, Mr. Classy ass?"

Alastors face was nothing short of unimpressed. He rolled his eyes and waved Angel off.

But just as Angel had left and Alastor finished his breakfast, setting his tray to the side, a sharp pain came to him. Near his downstairs.

His breathing hitched, and he immediately knew what was happening. He sent his shadow to fetch Angel, who was seemingly engrossed with the meeting at this point.
"So princess... you're suggesting that we -" Angel was rebutting to Charlie, just as shadow was rushing in,
" Oh, hey, shadow. What's up?" Angel gasped as shadow whispered with chilly air. Angel dropped everything, booking it to the apartment. "Alastor!" Angel wailed out as he threw the door open and saw the red deer panting and crying out and pain,

" Angel!... please! It hurts so bad! I can't!..."Alastor looked absolutely pitiful.

"Shit! Alastor! Fuck! Are you really giving birth here? Do you want to get in the car?"

"Angel FUCKING HELP ME! I do NOT want to move... I WANT THIS BABY OUT OF ME!" Alastor screeched with radio static in every lace and nook in his voice.

Angel flinched a bit but got his legs turning, running straight to a closet that held towels and grabbed a few. Angel, apparently, took a bit too long.

"ANGEL GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!" Alastor yelled in agony.

Angel did just what was asked. Hauling ass, he rushed to Alastors side.

"It's alright, Al... I'll help you..." Angel comforted as best he could.

"Then turn back time AND WEAR A CONDOM!!" Alastor screamed as he panted. Then he suddenly gasped. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to yell..." Then he tensed again. "AH!"

Angel could only guess that they were contractions.

"It's okay, Al... let me take off your pants, and - "

Alastor immediately rejected the premise. "Don't you dare touch my man hood EVER AGAIN!"

Angel sighed and began to pull down Alastors pants and underwear in one swift motion. Alastor didn't retort or yell at him more. He was in too much pain to care.

The pain was horrible. It was the worst cramp. Alastor's undercarriage was sore, and he could feel himself dilating.

"I can't do it...! AH!" Another contraction hit him like a train.

"You're doing good, Alastor...  I can see you getting wider..."

"D-do, I push now...?" Alastor whimpered.

"I don't know hun... push whenever you need to."

Alastor didn't need any encouragement as he tensed up and screamed.
"Ow! Oh god...!" He whined.

"That's was good! The heads nearly out." Angel almost squealed in excitement.

"I don't need you to tell me, I can FEEL it!" The deer sassed back.

The urge to push again came quick. Alastor sobbed in pain as the baby's head popped through.

"Yes! Good job, Al! You're nearly there! a bit farther..." Angel praised.

"I can't do anymore...!" Alastor cried.

"Alright... alright... just take a break, deep breaths..." Angel coached while Alastor rolled his eyes just before he contracted and pushed again.

"AH!" The red head yelled as all of the stretching pain stopped. He panted as Angel gasped.

" it over...?" Alastors voice croaked in hoarseness.

"Yes, Alastor... it's over..." He softly said as he lifted up the newborn baby.

"It's a girl!"

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