Whats a name

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A small little toddler girl crawled towards the viewer. Her red hair reared up on the top of her head, looking like very soft ears. The tips of these ears were white. She had her eyes closed, but white freckles danced around the area on her cheeks and nose. Her cooing made hearts melt.
There was a voice in the distance. Incoherent when it started. As the volume increased, so did the quality.
"A...." Murmured the voice.
"Al..." Louder now, it seemed
"Al." Was that a name?

Alastor sat up quickly, feeling a cramp in his lower abdomen. In a natural reaction, he groaned in discomfort. That murmuring that he had heard was Angel trying to wake him up.
"Hey there, handsome." Angel flirted as soon as Alastor dared to open his eyes and look at him. "Sorry for waking you, but... we have to get you to the doctor. We are just going to check up on the baby."
Alastor scoffed at Angels flirting. He rolled his eyes and plopped his head back down, trying his best to ignore his responsibilities.
"Al, don't do this again. You know you can't stay in bed forever. I promise when we don't have to move you can sleep all you want. Besides, if I know you, you're gonna have to take a leak any minute now." Angel drawled on in irritation.
Alastor's eyes popped open as he growled in frustration. The spider was right. Alastor felt his bladder was so full it would burst.
Angel being right didn't stop the pregnant deer from murmuring an insult. "Curse you."
As lippy as Alastor was in the mornings, Angel understood. He knew that this was just the effect of Alastor hormones racking his body, making him a lot more irritated. That didn't mean that didn't make the already stubborn deer any less of a pain in the ass as he was before.
Angel just took a deep breath and remembered that this was probably going to be the worst of it. Alastor had spent the last few weeks in morning sickness, adding on to how pissy he was. In the end, Angel knew both Angel and Alastor would have a tiny little bean of joy to take care of and look after.

In the bathroom, Alastor was obviously relieving himself, sighing in satisfaction. When he finished, he looked into the mirror as he was washing his hands. To him, it seemed that there was a tiny bump showing. A new corse of emotion flooded his body. Coming straight from his heart. He felt protective and loving.
He smiled and walked out to see Angel waiting, scrolling on his phone.

When Angel finally noticed Alastor, he jumped up.

"There. You took a piss, now change out of your pajamas so we can go." Angel did seem a little stressed, so Alastor didn't retort at the spider's cruel words.

Alastor snapped his fingers and was clothed in proper attire.

Angel gestured for Alastor, taking his arm and leading him out.


After a tiring walk to the doctors office, Alastor sat, unnerved and unsettled in the waiting room with Angel at his side.

Angel was humming a tune while gazing at a slutty magazine. He was holding Alastor's hand while doing so and could feel the deer shaking.

"You okay, Al?" Angel asked, nose still buried in the paper. "You're shakin'..." He snickered in a whisper.
When Alastor didn't answer he looked up and found Alastor looking quite scared. An unknown fact about Alastor? His fear of medical personnel. 

"Wait, Al." Angel began. "Are you scared of the doctors?" It took everything for Angel not to let out a giggle, but he succeeded in not looking like a complete dick to the person who was carrying his child. In fact, he looked serious yet understanding.
After a moment of hesitation, Alastor nodded.
Angel softly took his hand. "Al... It'll be okay. It's only for a moment. Then we'll be back home and you can sleep." Angel comforted the best he could.

"Angel Dust?" A doctor called.

"That's us, Al, cmon." Angel lead Alastor into the back.

Alastor walked in and sat on a chair next to Angel. That's when Alastors fear literally started talking.

"So, I believe we are here to see Alastor." The doctor began, checking his clipboard. "Well then, get on up here on the table. We'll do an ultra sound after a physical. I don't have any records of you."

Angel could almost pass out laughing just then, but he managed to keep his cool. Instead, he encouraged Alastor to sit on the table.

"Let's take your vitals first, and then we can continue." The doctor said, bringing out an automated blood pressure monitor and preparing to place it onto Alastor.
But before the doctor got more than a foot away from the deer, Alastor let out a low growling noise with his static. The doctor froze.

Angel caught Alastor's attention from his peripheral vision.

"It's alright, Alastor..." He softly said, giving the doctor enough time to place the blood pressure cuff on.
Alastor gasped in surprise as the tiny machine tightened around his arm.
Then it beeped and released the pressure.
The doctor wrote it down and took out his stephiscope, and went for Alastor again, trying to listen to his heart and lungs.
Alastor had different plans as he leaned back to remain a distance from the doctor.
"I'm just going to listen to your lungs." The doctor lazily said in a half-hearted attempt to sooth the deer.
Alastor shook in fear as he allowed the man to place the cold instrument to his chest. The doctor nodded and wrote his findings down.

"Now, the prostate exam."

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