Sex Ed

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Angel couldn't hold in his laughter, wheezing uncontrollably. Meanwhile, Alastor was a tad bit confused.
The doctor butted in again. "Sir? Please remove your pants." Alastor growled a bit, refusing to do so.
"I will have you know, good sir, I am a proper man of class and will be doing no such thing." Alastor crossed his arms and held his nose up and proud.
"Come on,'s to check for cancer...!" Angel was barely serious, wiping tears of pure joy from his eyes.
Alastor humbled and stood to pull down his pants, only to hesitate at the waistband.
Once Angel had finally regained a bit of sanity, he was able to calm down the distressed deer. "It's alright, Al, it's for your own good."
Angel took a deep breath and dropped his pants, but making sure to leave his boxers on. Angel face palmed.
The doctor was holding in his own laughter at this point. "And your undergarments too, if you will?"
Now Alastor was shocked. Before he could even begin to berate the doctor, Angel lightly tugged on Alastor's boxers, making them fall to the ground. Alastor gasped and crossed his legs in embarrassment, swiftly bringing his hands down to cover himself more. Alastor's tail was tucked nicely on his rump.
"Please turn over and place your hands on the table." The doctor instructed Alastor, who stiffly turned and leaned on the table. When the doctor went to lift up Alastors tail, the deer flinched hard. That's when Angel stepped in to rub Alastors back in encouragement.
"Come on, Al, it's only for a second..." Angel whispered. Alastor's tail shook as he lifted it up for the doctor.
The doctor, having already prepped, glove on hand, held up Alastor's tail, and inserted a finger inside. Alastor was far from pleased. "HEY!" Alastor yelped, trying to get away. Angel really didn't want to have to, but he tried to hold Alastor down as the doctor finished up.
Surprisingly, that took a long time, and Alastor looked deeply uncomfortable.
"Ah...!" Alastor whined as his prostate was found. The doctor pulled his fingers out and discarded the glove in a bio hazard bin. Alastor was frozen in pure shock.
"Al...? You can stand straight now..." Angel softly encouraged.
Alastor slowly stood, bending down to pick up his pants.
"Ah-ah-" the doctor interjected. "I have one more test before you do that..."
Alastor sighed very nonchalantly as he left his pants and stood up.

He then found a new latex glove on his undercarriage. Two fingers neatly cupping his balls. Obviously, the deer cringed.
"Cough, please." The doctor instructed, leaving alastor frozen in uncomfortable terror.
Angel spoke up to encourage Alastor.
"Cough, Al." He said.

Alastor finally coughed.

"Good, no abnormalities." The doctor concluded, throwing away that glove as well.

Alastor swiftly pulled his pants up, tightened the buckle of his belt, and tucked his shirt in.
"Can we leave yet?!" Alastor was royally pissed. Maybe it was just the hormones, but this deer was ticked off.

"It's just the ultrasound, then we'll go home." The spider promised.
Alastor rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth in annoyance.
The doctor instructed how Alastor should lay and brought through a small ultrasound machine. Alastor lowly growled when his shirt was lifted up a tad to expose his swollen belly. The feeling turned even worse when a cold gel was in contact with his skin. He cringed again. He tried to ignore the feeling and close his eyes, but he flinched when he heard a squeal.

"Al! Look!" Angel was nearly at tears.  Alastor looked at the screen. Barely anything could be distinguished in the grey-black blur. But within a dark blob, there was an oblong, light grey shape. That was the baby.

The baby that Alastor had been carrying and loving without having ever seen them. There was a large noticeable bump that was the head of the infant. Near the back, folded ears, the hint of a tail on their lower back. They had a shorter face and what seemed to be extra limbs. The perfect balance.
Alastor hadn't noticed his tears.
When the doctor began to remove the wand, Alastor let out a drestressed noise, almost like a doe losing her fawn in tall grass.
The deer tried to hold the doctor's hand down so he could gander and see his child longer.

Angel had been crying but managed to steady himself a bit to comfort Alastor.
"Smiles, it's alright. He can give us a picture to keep." By the bend and swivel of his red velvety ears, it was obvious that Alastor was listening to the father of the child, but his gaze was locked to the screen.
The doctor nodded and, while being sure not to upset Alastor by removing the wand, awkwardly bent down to print the picture and hand it to Angel. He made sure to print out a few extra copies just in case.
"Al, look... I have the picture so you can look as much as you want." Alastors eyes locked onto the picture instead as the doctor carefully drew his hand back and whipped the gel off of Alastor and the wand.

And then the appointment was over.
The gender of the baby had not been shown, either because the baby was stubborn or simply hadn't developed a sex to show. It didn't matter to the couple, though.

In fact, they put the copies everywhere when they got to the tiny hotel room.
On the fridge, on the walls. Alastor even put one on his old radio, and he never let anything or any substance touch the fragile mahogany of the precious, antique sound box.

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