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Alastor screeched, breaking down even further.

Angel gasped in complete and utter disarray. But out of that disarray, he was overjoyed.
The spider snapped to his senses.

"Wait... Al, who's the father...?" He softly asked, wanting nothing more to stress out the fragile deer.

"Angel," Alastor steadied his voice. "I've only had sex with one person, alive or dead. YOU!!" Alastor snapped.

Angel gasped. "I'm a father!" He smiled wide but then buckled down. He had to help Alastor, comfort him first.

Angel cleared his throat. "Alastor... hey... look at me." He whispered to Alastor, who had been sobbing into Angel on the floor for 20 minutes at least. Alastor sniffled, turning his head up slightly. "It's going to be okay... I promise..." The arachnid slowly and softly cooed to the deer demon, holding his hand and hugging him close until Alastor was still.

"Angel..." Alastor whispered.
"Yeah, smiles?" Angel said gently, kissing the demons head daringly.
"Why are you helping me...?"
Angel replied quickly, not having to even think about it. "Oh Al, I love you. I'm helping you and our baby because I love you. I've seen how much you care for me in your own ways." He rubbed Alastors back as he spoke.
Alastor couldn't hold back tears as he wrapped his arms around the loving spider.

Angel hugged back and stayed like that until-

"Hrrg!" Alastor gagged. Pulling away from the hug quickly.
"You Okay al?" Angel came to his senses. "Oh shit! Uhm... I'll get a trash bin!" He said as he tried to get up.
Too late. Alastor hacked as he hurled , thankfully, onto the hard flooring of his room. Alastor gasped a bit for air as he sat back up.

"Guh...! S-sor-- sorry..!" He breathlessly begged for forgiveness.

"No sweets... don't be sorry... I'll  clean it for you. Get into bed." Angel insisted and encouraged.
Alastor didn't budge. "I'll get it..." He stood up, unbalanced and wobbly.

"Alastor..." Angel began. Alastor cut him off, sure on his mission to clean up his own vomit.
"Nonsense... I did it, I'll pay for it." He said, grabbing paper towels and a cleaning agent.
"Al, it's going to make you throw up again." Angel got up to meet him.

As a matter of fact, Angel was quite taller than Alastor. Angel was a little above average height, while Alastor was slightly below. Needless to say, Alastor was short.

Angel snatched the supplies from Alastor. "Come on, mister... bed." He scooted away the radio demon, herding him towards the bed, again, turning to face the bodily fluid on the ground, squirting some of the solution in it and cleaning it up with ease.

Alastor seemed mortified on the bed. Once Angel had cleaned up, he joined him on said bed.

"It's alright, Al..." Angel placed a hand on his shoulder. "We'll get through this together, and on the other side... we'll have a little baby running around... how's that sound... hm?"
Alastor leaned into the touch. "I'm grateful for your help... but... I'm sure you don't want to be the father." He said, doubtful truth far from hidden.
Angel couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Alastor! No! I want to be the father, I want to be with you and the baby." He exclaimed. "I promise..." He pressed their nose bridges together. Well, what with what little nose Angel had. Alastor smiled and kissed the spot where Angel's nose would normally be.

"You should get some rest. You practically chucked your entire stomach  up there on the floor." Angel smiled and laid Alastor back. "There we are..." He pulled out his phone. Alastor tilted his head but shrugged and laid back down. The run from the doctors office to the hotel wore him the ever living hell out. It didn't take long for him to slip into sleep.


When Alastor woke up. It was the morning. He had slept the entire day and night. As he turned over, he saw Angel. Was it just him, or did he look more attractive?
A wave of heat rushed into his cheeks. The spider was asleep, hair dusting his face. Oh... his peaceful, unbothered, beautiful face.
Alastors' hormones couldn't resist it. He ducked forward and kissed the arachnid. Angel was startled awake.

"Mm!" Angel pulled away in shock. "Well, good morning to you too...!" Angel bit his lower lip in a sultry way, only raising Alastors sudden libido.

Alastor didn't reply. He couldn't. His body was only going through its motions.

Between deep kisses, he added some sappy phrases. "Oh... you're just so darling..." or "I love you so much..."

Angel had to slow him down. "Woah... some ones lovey dovey..." He chuckled. "I'll kiss you in a minute, I know you have to be hungry."

Now that Angel had mentioned it, Alastor was starving. He had slept through dinner the night before, and lunch... and breakfast.
Alastor nodded, a bit disappointed that he couldn't spill his love for the spider all over his nose spot.

"Hey, don't give me those doe eyes, I won't be able to resist you." He smiled. "You like pancakes...?" Angel asked.
Alastor thought a moment and shook his head.
Angel chuckled in amusement. "I'm guessing you like salty foods, being a cannibal and all." Alastor smiled.
"I would say you would be right on any other day, but right now, I actually want... a crepe." He said quietly.
Angel laughed a bit harder.
"Al a crepe is just a very flat pancake!" Alastor looked truly offended.

"It is NOT!" He snapped but then immediately recoiled with a gasp. "I didn't mean to yell like that!" He whimpered and began to cry. The salty tears weren't the correct forte for Alastor. The smiling radio demon.

Angel could only assume it was the train wreck of hormones coursing through the deers body. "Hey...! Don't cry... I know you didn't mean it... we'll get you a crepe... m'kay?" The spider sweetly ran a hand across Alastors head.

So Angel's quest began: to find the very flat pancakes.

HEYYYY, long time no see... sorry guys, I'm preparing for school, taking care of my pet bird, finding a job, and learning how to find the surface area of a cone for the 3RD TIME IN MY LIFE. Gawd... if you guys are younger readers like less than 13, first, careful what you read on here and second, you DONT want all this fucking responsibility.

IM SWAMPED, but I'll try my best to deliver (more than or equal to) 1,000 word chapters.
Thank you, and as for that dear readers...

Stay tuned....

The birdie on the radio said...[Radiodust]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin