002 // Endings and beginnings

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"We need to talk Garnacho" I sat down on the couch, just a little distance between us.

"I know, I know" He said annoyed.

"I'm breaking up with you" I said and he looked at me shocked.

"What, why?" He raised his eyebrows. "That one year meant nothing to you?"

"It did, but you changed. Just think of all the times you treated me like shit because you couldn't make yourself feel better by yourself. So if you can't novody can? The time with you was good but I don't need that anymore. It's better if we go separate ways now" I said and stood up.

"I didn't expect that" He mumbled and also stood up. "I wish you the best tho" He hugged me and then smiled at me.

"I'll get my things and then I'll leave" I walked up the stairs inti his bedroom and went to get all of my things. I went down again and put them into my car.

"Bye" I sat into my car, I saw Ale standing in the door before he ran out to the car window.

"Where are you going now?" He asked me. "Are you going back?"

"Probably, I don't know" I started the car and left him standing on the empty driveway now.

I drove back to the hotel and parked on a parking lot. I took a hoodie and started walking to the elevator. As I pushed the button the door immediately opened and I went inside. Luckily it was empty.

I looked at my phone while the door already opened and I went to my room. As I sat down on the bed I decided to call my bestfriend.

"Hey Tina" I smiled as I looked into the camera.

"Hey are you okay?" She asked as she saw how I was smiling.

"Yeah, I broke up with him" I mumbled and a smile crook on my face.

"FINALLY, THAT TOOK AGES" She yelled and her brazilian accent was more than noticeable.

"Yeah, it's better this way" I nodded and she looked at me.

"So you're leaving?"

"Probably, what should I do here?"

"Uhm, hang out with your brother?" She made an annoyed face as if I was too stupid.

"I see him like all the time. I don't need that. I'm going back" I decided.

"I'll miss you, you know"

"I know and I'll miss you too but Barcelona is still my home and I still have a house there."

"That is shocking that you didn't sell it" She smiled. She told me multiple times to sell it and move to England officially but I refused to sell it. I always knew that when things got too much in England I'd always go back to spain.

"Somehow I knew that this would end like this. I get a happy end in spain." I smiled and she shook her head.

"When are you going back?"

"Probably in 4 days. I need to get a ticket" I mumbled as I looked to the side.

"Sure, but we're still going to the game right?" Tina smiled devilishly.

"How could I say no?" I laughed. "HOLD ON, I got an Idea." I pointed at the screen.


"I'll wear a Barcelona shirt" I said and I saw her face light up.

"YES OH MY GAD" She yelled and laughed at the same time. "We're gonna show that asshole"

"We are" I agreed and saw her excitment just rise up every second.

ONE KISS LESS // PEDRI GONZÁLEZ Where stories live. Discover now