Chapter 7

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I opened my eyes and found Aera beside me. When did I fall asleep? Oh god... If that Arrogant monkey comes to know about this he is definitely going to kill me. I immediately checked Aera's temperature. Thank god that she is now healthy. I forgot the fact that I'm having an interview today at Yugyoem's father's company. I should prepare for that. I felt a sudden pain in my neck. I recalled how mercilessly he gripped my throat, he is a devil. I gritted my teeth to control my anger.

I walked to the kitchen. Aera said that Mr. Arrogant had kept one servant here. But I couldn't find anyone. Anyway, I quickly prepared soup for Aera. I want to leave as soon as feasible. I don't want to face an Arrogant monkey and get into another big fight. Who knows next time he'll just kill me.


I was all prepared to say sorry to him but he was crossing the limits. He slept in my room without my permission. How dare he? It's his last warning.

For a few weeks, Mrs Choi is on leave, since her daughter is pregnant so I should manage everything by myself.

I walked to the kitchen and found him preparing soup. room and now My kitchen. I tried to compose myself. He turned towards me and froze. I just glared at him and walked away. I don't want to fight with him again.

Jungkook sighed in relief as soon as Taehyung was out of his sight. He walked to Aera's room with the soup. By the time Aera was already awake.

Koo: "Good morning munchkin"

Aera smiled brightly as soon as she saw Jungkook

"Good morning Kookie"

Jungkook sat beside Aera and gave her the soup.

"How are you feeling now?" he asked caressing her hairs

"I'm alright Kookie"

"Good. Now drink this soup and be a good girl okay?"

"Are you going back?" Aera asked disappointed

"Yes, baby... I have an interview today. Maybe I'll try to come after that?" Jungkook asked. Aera happily agreed. He kissed her forehead and bid bye to her. Kook walked outside immediately before Taehyung came into his view.


Tae: "Hello hyung"

"Taehyung's Aera. Is she alright?" Hobi asked over the phone

"She's good. If you could come over. I have a meeting today" Taehyung said

Hobi: "Yeah...I'm coming. Don't worry. I'll take care of her. You can go"

"Fine" he disconnected the call. He walked to Aera and found her sitting in the bed drinking her soup.


Aera looked up at him and smiled


He sat beside her and caressed her hairs

"How are you feeling now?"

"I'm alright appa... Kookie..came right. I'm so happy" she said happily. He just nodded

"Appa... I want Kookie to stay here. I'll be happy if he's around" Aera said, hugging Taehyung and leaving him traumatized.


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