Chapter 3

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Update: I want to give an update about how I have been. There are a few things that I want to let you know.

First Thing:

Thank you to everyone still reading my stories and commenting because I know that you as readers are still enjoying the stories and that makes me happy. Also, thank you for all the comments on my last update and for being understanding and patient about the time in between chapter updates.

The second thing:

I'm personally doing good. I have been busy and haven't had the time to update.

Third Thing:

Chapter updates are still going to be very random until probably June. I don't think I have said this, but I'm in college to become an EMT which is taking up a lot of my time, and I will be busy until after The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians, or known as the NREMT. It does mean that updates will come when I have the time to write.


Previously on The baby

I put together the furniture and move it into a place that I like. I like the way the nursery looks and I call my mom in and get her opinion on it.

"I like it Hunter". says mom


I take Cody from her and go to bathe him before changing and feeding Cody before putting him to bed. Mom and I eat dinner before I clean up the kitchen and shower before heading to bed at 10:00 since I have school tomorrow and I'm thankful that my mom has the next three days off from work. I check on Cody one more time before getting into bed and check my phone before falling asleep. 


Hunter's Pov

Today is my first day back to school since I got Cody and I don't know how I feel about leaving him.  Despite the fact that it's only been two days since Cody came into my life, I love him so much and don't want to leave him even if only for eight hours and my mom will be watching him. And I still don't know what I'm going to do about Marching Band and football since that takes up a lot of time but I might quit football. Getting up out of my bed at 5:30 am and into the bathroom to start getting ready for the day. After I get dressed, I walk over to the crib and see that Cody is awake for the most part. If anything Cody looks angry to be awake so I pick him up and cuddle him.  Walking over to the changing table, I take off his sleeper and daiper before changing him and picking him back up, and heading downstairs for a bottle. In the kitchen, I get a bottle and the formula making his bottle and myself some coffee. 

 Once my coffee and the bottle are done, I sit down at the counter and feed Cody. After he is done eating, I burp him before taking him into my mom's room and putting Cody in the crib she put in her room. Once he is asleep and looking at the time which is 6:10, I head to my room to make sure I have everything before leaving. I leave the house at 6:15, thankfully it's only a 20-minute drive from my house to the school. Once I'm at school and park, I head to the band room where I put down my backpack, grab my flute and binder of music, and head out to the field where I can see some of my friends standing around and talking. I walk over to them.

"Hey guys". I say 

"Hey Hunter". says Lia

"How was your weekend"? asks Molly 

"I got some really big news and a new addition to the house". I say

"What do you mean"? asks Jace

"On Friday night my mom responded to a call about a suicide, The girl left a note and said that her one-week old son needed to go to his father which was me. At the hospital, the DNA test showed that I was the father. I didn't even know that I got her pregnant because she never told me. Now I have my son Cody at home". I say

"Wow". says my group of freinds

"What are you going to do about Marching Band and Football"? asks Lia

"I don't know yet. I might quit football". I say

"That sucks Hunter". says Molly 

I just nod my head. 


The rest of the day goes by until it hits three o'clock and we get to go home. I'm so happy that we don't have football practice today because it means that I get go home and spend time with Cody and talk to my mom about what I'm going to do with football and band.  When I get home and inside the house I see my mom sitting on the couch with Cody on a play mat on the floor. 


"How was school". 

"It was good. How was Cody"? I ask

"He is a calm baby. Doesn't really cry unless he is hungry, needs to be changed or tried". says Mom 

"That's good". 

I lay on the floor in front of Cody and he looks at me with a smile of a newborn. 

"Hi Cody". 

I reach out my finger and he grabs it. 

"Daddy missed you today". 

Cody holds onto my finger tighter. 

"I'm thinking about quitting football". I say

"Are you sure that is what you want to do"? asks mom

"Yea, it would give me more time with Cody after school". I say 

"What are Marching Band and the competitions that you go to"? asks Mom 

"Tomorrow I will talk to my band teachers about maybe bringing Cody with me to the competitions". I say 

Mom nods her head. The rest of the day is spent playing and taking care of Cody until he goes down for bed at 8 and once he is asleep, I do my homework so that I have it done and don't have to worry about it. I fall asleep around ten-thirty. 

The Baby(Rewriting)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang