Shot Two - Asking For Pending Date

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Anne inhaled deeply as she gauged the sitting lounge with hypercritical eyes. She wanted everything to be perfect. Nobody called her a perfectionist for no reason. She was born one. A nervous smile splayed on her lips remembering who used to tell her that the most—the man who was coming tonight. She swept a glance down at the pillow that she was holding. That man almost had her heart, almost close to be her everything before that everything decided to fall apart.

"Mommy," Adrian shouted from the washroom. "Can you help me wash my face, I can't reach the sink," Anne flinched on his voice and glanced in that direction.

"Yeah...yeah, I'm coming," She licked her lower-lip and placed the pillow on the sofa.

She reached the washroom and picked Adrian up while he washed his face with his small hands. Anne couldn't stop herself from smiling every time he rubbed face wash on his cheeks, forehead and chin but always missed out on his nose from the fear of getting it in his eyes.

"Rub it everywhere, Andy. You are missing your nose and the area under your eyes," Anne instructed him softly. Adrian inhaled deeply as his little mind started working a little more. Anne had given him this name because it reminded her of Andy. She considered him her first baby...that she secretly had with Gideon but she never told him that. A silent chuckle fell from her lips and fanned on Adrian's hair.

"Mommy, are you listening to me?" Adrian whined, Anne zoned back, blinking her eyes, catching his blue-eyed locked on her baffled face.

"Yes, sweetheart. I'm. Rub it on," She gestured to him through her eyes. Adrian pouted cutely.

"But I said I don't like it when I rub it and my eyes burn. I don't want it. Can you rub it for me?" He raised his hand for her to take the froth. Anne nodded diligently and took it from his hand and rubbed on his face. She helped him rinse it and dry his face with a face-friendly towel.

"Mom, do you like Ethan's dad?" Adrian asked abruptly, making Anne stop for a second. Her heart thudded in agitation.

"W..why? Why are you asking that?" Anne asked back.

"I like him. He gave me this chocolate when we were coming home and he told me to take care of you," Adrian told her earnestly and showed her the chocolate. Anne stopped once and for all and quietly gazed at Adrian. Her throat bobbed as she took her son's words in. That's the same he used to tell her father.

Take care of her. She is precious

"O...oh really, and what did you tell him?" She asked back.

"I said I'll cause you are my superhero like he is Ethan's," Adrian replied jumpily. The little guy was always high on energy and that never missed putting a grin on Anne's lips.

"Aww, thank you, baby. You are my best man," She said, kissing his head.


Gideon didn't see the wave of giddiness washing over him when he agreed to the dinner. For the first time in four years, he felt excited about something. He tried to indulge his mind in work but that just couldn't happen. Their interaction kept playing, replaying in his mind. Her smile, her sweet voice, everything was still the same as it was a decade ago.

He left for home early. Ethan was taking his piano classes when Gideon reached home. This boy was a piano prodigy, he had taken after his dad in this term. It was Gideon's daily routine to spend his free time with Ethan and today he came early to spend more time because she said so. His mind unconsciously took her words seriously. Gideon wanted to be there for Ethan the entire time as he had to be both—a father and mother—to him but work didn't allow the courtesy. It had been four years and he was still trying his best to be available for his son, but not all the time would be his biggest regret.

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