Shot Three - To Love And To Hold

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Six Months Later

"Quicker, quicker, quicker," Anne drummed her fingers on the steering wheel as she desperately waited for the guards to slide the gates. Her eye flicked to the LCD installed in her SUV. It displayed half past seven. Shit. She was half an hour late. He told her to be here at sharp seven as they would leave in ten minutes. The second the gate slid apart, she zoomed in the car and pulled up in the driveway. Unbuckling her seatbelt, she bent to wear her black heels before tilting the rearview mirror to check herself one last time.

Adrian quietly watched her mom setting her lipstick from the backseat. Anne smudged her lips together and hopped out of the car to get him. Once he stepped his foot out, he glanced up at her face and immediately rushed ahead to hug her legs. Anne took a second to register his action. She rubbed his back and crouched to his level. Adrian pulled away with a quiet look on his face.

"What's up, young man?" Anne asked, grinning and lovingly running her hand over his hair.

Adrian smiled and bit his lower lip. "You look gorge...gorgeous, mommy," His cheeks flushed as he worded out the compliment for his mom.

"Oh, where did you learn that word from?" Anne scoffed in surprise and poked his nose.

"I learnt it from Gideon, he called you that on the picnic day when you were making us sandwiches," Adrian told. The pinky dust generously passed on from his cheeks to hers. Gideon had started to show a lot of intimacy after their third date, even in front of kids and they had kind of started to inhabit it.

"Aw, honey. You are such a sweet one, what have I done without you?" Anne pulled his face for a quick kiss and was about to stand up when Adrian grabbed her with another question.

"Mommy, are we really going to move in with Gideon and Ethan?" He asked, making Anne inhale deeply. She didn't have a proper answer to it as she was still thinking about it. He had asked her three months ago when they finally started as a couple but it was too early and it still is. She needed more time.

"I'm not sure about it, honey, but maybe in the future? For now, it's just you and me in that little wonderland, you like that wonderland, don't you?" She asked using her magical tone but her statement got Adrian's lower lip stuck out in sadness. Anne furrowed slightly.

"But I like Ethan. I like Gideon and I love this house, it's big and there are so many video games, can we move in here, mommy, please?" Adrian implored earnestly, folding his arms across his chest with puppy-wide eyes. Anne watched his little implication and smiled ruefully. It was true that Gideon had a fortune that was enough to comfort her and he had assured her this many times but she couldn't bring herself to completely lean on him. She wanted to provide for her son herself. But she also knew it was a long road and she would need her boyfriend's help along the way.

Before Anne could answer him with something, a voice interrupted their moment. "What is going on here and my boy, what's with this face?" Gideon appeared out from the main door and approached the duo before lifting Adrian in his arms.

Adrian hooked his arms around Gideon's neck and hid his face. Gideon chuckled and put a hand on his head, basking in his warmth. "Mommy said we are not moving in with you and Ethan. I want to live here, I like it here," Adrian told in all honesty, earning a soft scoff from Gideon.

"This is your home, sweetcheeks, no one will stop you,"

"But mommy said no," Adrian grumbled. Gideon took a moment to reply.

"Will convince her with chocolates and strawberry shake, mommy told me she likes strawberry shakes, right? Will make it together." Gideon proposed with his hand stuck out for a high-five. Adrian pulled away with a shine in his eyes and clapped. He clung back onto his neck and Gideon turned his attention to the boy's mother.

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