17: Ryunosuke Tanaka - A New Girl in Town

Start from the beginning

"Thank you for having me," she bowed and my heart swooned at her politeness.

"Tanaka! Hurry up!" Ukai cried making me jump. I ran back to the line and practice carried on with me constantly thinking about (l/n) who was sat watching. I played as though we were in an official match, desperate to show off my future-ace skills. I smirked at how well I was playing, glancing over to her from time to time to see a small smile playing on her lips as she watched. Suga also willingly sent me more tosses than usual as we played a six versus six match, and I ended up scoring some perfect spikes.

We won the set and practice came to an end. She waited outside whilst we tidied up the gym, and as soon as I could I rushed out, straightening myself up and preparing myself to face her. "Good luck Ryu, knock her dead," Noya said, punching my arm.

"You're only supposed to be studying though, right?" Asahi asked.

"Yeah it's only project you're doing together, remember that Tanaka," Daichi said sternly.

"Do you even know if she's single or not?" Suga asked and panic built within me, having not thought of that possibility. "All I'm saying is don't get ahead of yourself. Don't treat it like a date when she only sees it as studying."

He was right and I knew he was. I had to remember that all we were doing was preparing for a project. I headed outside to meet her, my bag slung over my shoulder. She saw me and waved politely and I could feel my cheeks heat up. Suga's suggestion about her possibly not even being single stuck in my mind as I waved back, trying to regain some confidence.

"Hello Tanaka, that was some very impressive volleyball playing, thank you for inviting me," she bowed politely.

"No need to thank me, you can come anytime! It was great seeing you there," I said and she smiled.

"Thank you... I'll admit, I don't know too much about volleyball, perhaps you could teach me?"

"Yes!" I answered quickly, apparently making her jump. "Sorry- er, yeah, yeah I will... anyway, shall we?" I suggested and she nodded. We made our way to her house as the last thing I wanted was Saeko constantly shoving her head through my door, teasing us. When I saw (l/n)'s house however, I felt incredibly out of place.

She lived in the most historic part of the town, in one of the traditional houses on the mountainside. She casually approached her house whilst I felt intimidated but tried to remain calm, following her lead and slipping out of my shoes in the entryway. "Miss (y/n), welcome home. You have a guest?" A woman in a kimono asked.

"Thank you Miss Kanzaki," (l/n) said, bowing. "This is Tanaka, a school friend. Is it possible to get some tea?"

"Of course ma'am," Kanzaki bowed and my mouth almost dropped open at the elegance of (l/n) and the lifestyle she led.

"Let's head up to my room and we can start studying," she said casually, taking me through her house filled with old Japanese antiques. I wasn't too interested in history but it was a beautiful home, and as she slid her bedroom door open it became all to real that I was about to enter a girl's personal space. I gulped, following her inside nervously. "Okay... so where would you like to start?" She asked, taking a seat at her kotatsu.

- Timeskip -

(l/n) and I were halfway through our project now, and she'd invited me over every night since the project began. I couldn't help but fall for her, she was so smart, beautiful and kind that it was impossible not to. Every night she'd come and watch me practice as well, the praising me on how well I played.

The team kept on teasing me about her. Noya was encouraging, telling me I should go for it with her whilst the others kept on teasing me about being so smitten. They were beginning to tease me in her presence as well, which embarrassed me a little but she seemed quite oblivious to their remarks.

For the first time I wished the homework would never end. Being able to spend so much alone time with her completing this project felt like a gift from the gods, and each time she impressed me with her intelligence. She had taught me more than Asano could, but the deadline for the project was tomorrow and I couldn't help but feel a little sad. "Great! I think we've finished it Tanaka!" She beamed, looking over our sheets of research.

"You're amazing at this kind of thing, don't know how I would've managed this on my own," I admitted and she laughed cutely.

"Well let's run through it one last time before our presentation tomorrow to make sure we have everything in order," she said and I nodded in agreement, the two of us getting to work.

- Timeskip -

The class clapped as we finished our presentation, (l/n) having definitely made it work. She was amazing and executed it perfectly, which everyone could tell. "Well done (l/n)... and Tanaka," Asano mumbled my name after, apparently knowing that all of the knowledge in our project came from her.

"Thank you sir," she bowed. I too muttered a thanks, before the two of us headed back to our desks. She sent me a small thumbs up, mouthing a 'thank you' making my cheeks heat up, before she turned her attention back to the front of the class ready to watch the next pairs presentation. I looked at her longingly, wondering if that was it, wondering if our time together was over or whether we had become friends enough to hang out outside of the classroom. I hoped more than anything that it was the latter, as then it gave me a shot to ask her out on a date at some point, but I was admittedly worried that it was the former, and that our relationship ended after our presentation.

Class finished and I pulled my bag on my shoulder, fiddling with my volleyball and feeling a little sad as I trudged out of the classroom, but a voice caught my attention. "Tanaka," (l/n)'s voice called out to me and I turned to see her standing in front of me, looking a little timid making her even more adorable.

"Hey (l/n)!" I said excitedly, happy that she was talking to me.

"Thank you for your help with the project... I thought- think we make a good team," she muttered, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Yeah we do," I enforced. She played with her fingers, apparently nervous about something.

"To that end- would you... maybe like to... if you're free that is... go on a d-date- w-with me?" Her voice went quieter and quieter, and for a moment I thought I had misheard her. I stood completely still, staring at her, hoping I had heard her right. Apparently however I stood still for too long without giving her an answer. "I'm sorry! Goodness, I was being foolish... I'm sorry Tanaka, excuse me-,"

"Wait!" I grabbed her wrist, stopping her from running away. "Are you serious?! You're asking me on a date?!"

"I-I mean... if you want to- don't feel like you have to say yes, in fact it was a silly question, I'm terribly sorry-,"

"No, no it wasn't, I've just been trying to work up the courage to ask you on a date," I admitted and she looked up at me surprised. "So yeah! Yeah let's do it!" I beamed brightly, unable to believe my luck. She smiled adorably and I thought my heart exploded with joy, knowing that I was the reason she was smiling.

"Really?" She asked, apparently skeptical.

"Yeah! I've wanted to ask you out all week but I wasn't sure you were interested..." I rubbed the back of my head and she giggled.

"Then shall we say Friday night? After your volleyball practice?" She suggested and I nodded quickly.

"Yeah! Yes, absolutely, I'll take you to the local ice-cream place... or we could go shopping, or to a restaurant, or do whatever you want to do-,"

"Ice-cream sounds lovely," she interrupted me. "So... it's a date?"

"A date," I said dreamily, unable to believe this was actually happening.

"Okay... well see you soon, Tanaka," she waved and walked down the corridor leaving me completely stunned and overjoyed - I definitely had something to brag about at practice this evening.

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