Ch. 15: Most Important Meal

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The next morning, Luz woke up with a small groan, which isn't surprising since she was on the floor.

"Bought a California King, and Boscha still managed to knock me off."

One of the largest beds in the human world and Luz was still knocked off by her pregnant wife, she had to wonder if Amity had been knocked off too. The thud on the other side of the bed soon answered her question.

"Ow." Amity said, fully awake now. "We need a bigger bed."

"I know." Luz replied as she got up, "Might as well get breakfast ready."

"I'll help." Amity said as she got up as well.

"Wait, one of us needs to stay with Boscha." Luz said to her.

"And since I work at the restaurant, you can watch her." Luz said, "Because I have to eat and leave."

"Though that is tempting, I'm a majority owner of a large security company. I think they need me today." Amity said to her.

"Your siblings can handle it." Luz replied as they walked out of the room.

Amity had to admit, that's a good point. Unlike her, Luz and Boscha are the co-owners, so if one of them can't work, the other one has to work. Double so with the potion business.

"Shoot." Amity said as they entered the kitchen.

"You I wouldn't have to worry about magic burst if you just keep on your cloak or asked me to refashion it into something more breathable." Luz said to Amity.

Again, Amity had no choice but to groan.

"When did you become logical?"

"Marriage does crazy things to people. Some get looser, some get more uptight. And I got more logical." Luz said as she was making some pancakes. "I'm still a weird woman but I'm a logical weird woman."

"Doesn't that contradict itself. Weirdness is irrational." Amity said to Luz.

"Don't know, don't care." Luz replied.

Amity just shook her head, there was the Luz she knew.

"So, how do you want your pancakes? Plain, blueberry, red berry, fairy, chocolate chip?" Luz asked Amity.

"Chocolate chip." Amity said, "You always make amazing chocolate chip pancakes."

"The secret ingredient is love." Luz said as she added some chocolate chips to the batter.

Amity gave her a look.

"Okay, fine, it's sugar." Luz said.

"You're sweet but that was just too mushy." Amity said as she grabbed some plates from the cupboard.

"You love it."

Luz continued to make the pancakes, expertly flipping in the air before catching them in the pan.

"I will never understand where you learned to cook like that."

"Experience is the greatest teacher. I caused a lot of messes in the kitchen back home." Luz said as she finished the first pancake and began another.

"Oh yes, Camila told us all about how you blew up the microwave."

"Hey, how was I supposed to know that tin foil sparked in it?" Luz asked.

"Luz, We don't even have microwaves here and I knew that."

"I was four!"

"A very destructive four." Amity commented as she took the first pancake and the freshly made second pancake. "I think one of the kids will take after you in that regard."

"Titan I hope not." Luz said.

Luz continued making chocolate chip pancakes before Boscha came walking in with a groan.

"Ugh, the bodily pains are back!" She said as she made it to the table, sitting down.

Amity began to massage Boscha.

"How's that feel?"

"That feels slightly better. What really needs attention are my feet." Boscha said as she leaned into the massage.

"Not a problem." Amity said as she drew a spell circle.

Before breakfast, Boscha got a full foot massage, complete with a foot soak and everything.

"OOOOOH! I love you so much right now!" Boscha said Luz came to the table with two more plates of chocolate chip pancakes.

"Then you're gonna love me too cuz I have pipping hot chocolate chip pancakes with fire honey syrup." Luz said.

"Ah, you are an angel." Boscha said.

"We both are." Luz said as she set a plate before Boscha.

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