Ch. 14: The Seventh Month, Body Pains

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Month seven: Body pain.

Boscha could truly not move, her womb was hitting her nerves and causing immense pain.

"Ugh! Someone get me some ice!" Boscha groaned in pain, laying on the couch in the den.

"I'm coming honey." Amity said.

Amity came into the den with a pitcher of ice and drew a spell circle to make them float while also making them bigger.

"Here you go honey." Amity said.

The ice cubes landed around Boscha as some of the ice began to steam from her body being so hot and in pain.

"Oh thank you, babe." Boscha said with relief.

"Anything for you." Amity said, "Just a couple more months, and then our babies will be here."

"And this bodily pain will FINALLY be over!" Boscha said as she rubbed her bigger belly. "All that's left after that is the pain of raising three kids."

Amity gave Boscha's stomach a nice kiss, before kissing Boscha's lips... that's when a magic burst went off.

"Damn it." Boscha said, looking at her wife's new form.

'The one time I forget to where my new witch wool cloak!' Amity thought as Boscha picked her up.

"A carrot... well, that's a new one." Boscha said.

'It's still not a good thing!' Amity thought as she was a magenta carrot with a brown stem!

"Don't worry, I won't put you in any dish... I'm sober this time." Boscha said.

If Amity could shiver, she would, drunk Boscha always got creative. Before she was pregnant, Boscha turned Luz into a scrub brush and Amity into a loofah. She had a LONG bath after that and used both of them on her hardest to reach areas. And that was only one of the things she did.

"I'm just gonna put you in the table and make sure you alright until Luz gets home." Boscha said before whistling loudly. "Maya! Mama needs you!"

Maya came over to Boscha and snapped her claws at her.

"Can you please watch Amity and make sure she's stays safe? I had another magic burst." Boscha said, handing carrot Amity to her palisman.

"And be careful with the claws." Boscha said.

Maya clicked her claws before gently taking the carrot wife and moved her to coffee table. Amity groaned, if she was anything other than a carrot, she would be fine with this.

'If Luz doesn't get home early, I'm gonna spend the day in a literal vegetable state!' Amity thought as she was placed in the table and watched over by Maya, 'At least Maya is a good guard.'

Amity could've said that about her palisman but she was too much of a cat and would've batted her around like a toy. And as adorable as that would've been, she didn't want to end up with teeth marks in her. A few hours later, with both wives laying around the house doing nothing or unable to do nothing, Luz had come back home.

"I'm home!" Luz said, with the trademarks greeting.

Upon not hearing anything, she knew a burst had happened.

"You have to be kidding me." Luz said.

'All that time I spent knitting her a W.W. cloak and she doesn't even use it?' Luz thought as she walked to find her wives.

"So... good news and bad news." Boscha said, "Good news, Amity helped me figure out what we're having for dinner. Bad news... she's a carrot."

"A carrot?" Luz asked before looking at the coffee table and seeing a purple carrot with a brown stem.

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