"Rise and shine princess", Sean barged into my cell walls like the prince of the place.

I immediately gathered myself and stood up abruptly. I held my head down as I awaited what was to come, my heart was racing like the vile business between Sean and I had not become a common experience.

Sean burst out into a fit of laughter. "I can smell your fear, it turns me on. Too bad I would not be able to have my way today"

"You wouldn't ?", I asked in a high tone startled at his declaration.

"Wow!, You are not so innocent after all" Sean smirked.

I lowered my head down regaining myself from my short outburst but my  impatience grew as I await the reason why I would be spared from assault.

"The Alpha needs you!". Sean declared and I felt the blood in my body drain out immediately. What had I done wrong?. Did I upset him in the dinning halls?. Several questions ran through my mind as I was walked through the too familiar hallway leading to the Alpha's office.


The Alpha's office is just like I remember from the last time I set my foot into the four corners of the office.

Diana and I spent a lot of times in this office playing around the entire place when we were younger until we get caught and each time we found a way to avoid punishment from both our fathers.

A lone tear ran down my left cheek and before I could bring myself to wipe my cheeks the Alpha finally spoke saying

"Anna, I hope you are doing well?" He said and immediately a shiver ran down my spine, my eyes almost popped out from my eyes socket, I did not know what frightened me more, the fact that he addressed me by a name he had called me when I was still someone of importance to him or him asking me if I was doing well.

I almost burst out into tears but I had to hold myself back. I had to be strong, I might not have any position, dignity or standing but I had my will, I would not give him the satisfaction of breaking down just because he asked a question as if he truly cared about me "I am okay Alpha" the lies rolled out easily from my lips, he was the one that sentenced me to a life of agony, how did he really think I was doing.

"My daughter has requested for your services" He said calmly.

"My services?" I asked confused,

"You are to become Diana's maid" He declared.

"Ok Alpha" I responded bowing my head in submission. It is not like I would have a choice to object in the first place. But why would Diana request for me did she feel pity for me  when she saw me at the dinning halls.

Had my obvious misery made her realize my existence after three years she had shunned me and refused to set her eyes upon me.

"You will have a room in her apartment and you are to see to her every need" Alpha Samuel instructed.

"Thank you sir" I bowed

"You have been given a little grace, a little freedom thanks to my daughter generosity , I hope you will not defile this privilege and act out of line. Remember your place" Alpha Samuel warned and I nodding in acknowledgement.


The softness of the bed brought serenity to my soul, I let my fingers run across the linens and the bed frames . Three years since I had the comfort of a bed. Three years since I have been able to touch a soft fabrics. The bed was not grand or queen like, it was small but it was a bed, a privilege, I have not had in a long time. I laid softly on the bed wrapping myself in a fetal position. My body quivered and I did not realize that I was crying until, I felt the wetness of the fabrics against my cheeks and that was my breaking point, I let the water run down uncontrollably as I groaned in pain and frustration.

After few minutes of crying, I gathered myself from the bed , the tears stain painted on the bed spread. I finally had the opportunity to look round the room, it was a portable room , there was a small wardrobe opposite the bed and a small drawer besides the bed where a lamp was placed. The room was painted in mustard color and it held no design whatever. It was just a simple room but I was grateful to have finally been able to leave the dungeons maybe I do have Diana to thank for that, maybe she came too late but she was the reason why I was now able to enjoy a little comfort.

A few floral dresses laid in the wardrobe along with some under garments , I ran my hand through the fabrics for few seconds before finally closing the wardrobe.

I optioned for a bathe before I would be called for my duties and I peeled myself out of my clothes and into the bathroom. I let the water from the shower run down my hair to my entire body, as if washing away my pain and suffering. The Alpha was right, I have been given a little freedom, little, my thoughts wondered , I wished I had also been awarded the privilege to transform, though I barely felt my wolf because of the wolfsbane but a transformation would make me regain the connection, though the transformation would be excruciating, I was willing to go through with it to be able to feel like my complete self. But I knew that it was just wishful thinking, Diana had only managed to pull me out of my cage but I sure Alpha Samuel would not oblige her if she requested that I be allowed to transform like every other wolves in the pack.

I was a Beta's daughter, the blood of a beta ran through my vein and it made me a stronger wolves like regular wolves. The risk would be high. I would be able to take down up to five regular wolves before I would be captured and this time, I would surely be sentenced to death and as cruel as my pack members has been to me , I would not harm them, I will not rip mates apart like my father did, I was not insane like he had been. I would not allow my family name die out so miserably and we would be forgotten like we never existed not that there was anything good to remember my family name for at the mean time, I know someday, I might be able to clear the stain and free my family from it's curse. I will live for my mother, I will live for my father and I will push on for myself.

The Alpha Second Mate Where stories live. Discover now