"You're leaving," she didn't meet his eyes, still looking at the black vehicle that was driving away. "To become a Guardian."

Her friend stared at her carefully. "Who told you?"

"I kind of guessed it, when I heard you talking with Rocket," she sighed. "You called him 'Boss' and 'Captain', which means you're working with him again."

Kurt drew out his blaster and started tinkering with it. "Out in space, no one bats an eye when I walk into a room. I'm normal, handsome, even... It feels right. "

"I think you're handsome—"

"You know what I mean," he pressed. "You met a mutant that lives underwater, not so long ago. You said he proved to you that we can do anything... so I'm doing it. I'm reaching for the stars."

The thought of Kurt living galaxies away made her soft, but not for the reason she'd expected. Cat was happy for him, and very proud. "I knew this would happen," she said. "When we met I promised you a good life in space... and you used to love it there, I never forgot."

"I love being here as well," he shrugged, "it's not bad, it's just..."

"It's not for you," she pushed. "Your real family's out there. Apart from me, the Guardians were the first group of people who loved you, I understand why you want to be with them."

"But you'll always be my best friend," Kurt said hoarsely.

Cat teared up, yet she did her best to smile. "We're soulmates, Kurt. Nothing's gonna change that."

They hugged as if trying to suffocate each other. It felt weird, knowing they were parting ways. No more team-ups unless they faced a Thanos 2.0, and if she was honest, she hoped that would never happen.

Maybe he'd visit, maybe he'd call, but they would never spend time like this again, and it wasn't bad, but it made her feel uneasy. Cat broke the hug and cleaned her nose, Kurt dried his tear-stained face.

Kate approached with worry. "You okay, guys?"

"Kurt's leaving," her lip started quivering again. "I need a moment..."

She walked away while Kurt explained everything to their friend, what he'd decided to do now that everything was over. Cat had barely controlled her crying when Spidey approached and tapped her shoulder. 

"What?" She asked quietly.

"There's something you should know..."

"Oh man, what now?" She complained, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"Please, don't get mad," Peter groaned, pressing his hands over his masked face. "Maybe it's not a good idea..."

"Just say it, Webs," Cat sniffed. "I can take it."

She was trying to be brave, considering she most certainly could not take any more. Peter hesitated, but in the end, even if she couldn't, he had to do it. "Parker's not gone, he's in my apartment. He wants me to go to his universe with him so I can take the beeper back once he gets there."

Cat stared at him. "Oh my god," she breathed. Parker would leave forever because he thought Cat didn't care, that she didn't like him. He was right, Cat didn't like him. She loved him.

It came down on her overwhelmingly fast. That feeling of despair was longing, the fear she felt when he was around her was only a rush of expectation. It was her brain asking many questions at once. 

Can I do this? 

Can I be happy? 

Do I deserve it? 

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