Do It Like Mackie

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10 minutes pass once Kelly is left alone in her room. After calming down from the breakdown and taking in the doctor's information, she can think to herself again.

What do I want...what do I NEED...

Eventually the door opens, and Star and Tad run in. They both wrap their arms around Kelly. Kelly smiles in return, wrapping her arms around them.

"We were so worried, we were all just talking and then you just screamed out and collapsed! You wouldn't calm down...what happened?" Star says, still concerned.

"Well...apparently I had some sort of breakdown. Stress related thing. Doctor says I need to stay here for a couple days before I can go. So that's fuuun." She says sarcastically.

"Did Marco say something while we were gone? Did you tell him?" Star pries for answers.

Kelly shakes her head. "No, I...I almost did. But then you guys came back, and I just...I don't really feel like getting into it right now."

Tad looks to Star. "Wait, say what? Is that why you stalled me outside for so long? So they could talk alone?"

Kelly let's go of the two and rubs the back of her head. "Well...uhhh, I might..." Her face turns red trying to get out what she wants to say.

Tad thinks for a moment, then realizes. "Ohhhh...I get it. I that I think about it, it makes total sense. From what you've told me, ever since the Soulrise you two have been hanging out a LOT. And from what I saw last night, you have a dynamic like no other. You're a...dynamic duo, that's what it was, right?"

Kelly looks down. "You're right...I do like him. It feels...wrong. Like everything's moving so fast. But...every passing day has just been making it harder to hide it. And...I'm scared. Scared he won't feel the same way, or...scared that he WILL feel the same way, but I'll end up hurting him like I hurt you, Tad. It's all just...too much." Kelly starts tearing up again, trying to better control her tears.

Tad wraps his arms around her again, and Star sits next to Kelly on the edge of the bed.

"You're right...I was hurt for a while. But I get it. I was...intrusive, and inconsiderate, and...well I'm always lazy, that much I'll admit. The forest taught me to live for myself, and it helped to open my eyes. I was hurt, but after we talked, it helped me move on." He lets go of the hug and looks Kelly in the eyes. "It's okay for you to move on. I forgive you...for everything. I don't want those memories and regrets to hurt you like this. It hurts ME to see YOU like this, you know?"

Kelly slowly nods, then pulls Tad in for a tight hug.

"Kelly...ow...too tight..."

She lets go. "Oh, sorry, heheh." She smiles lightly. "But...thanks, Tad. Again, I'm sorry for our past. You're still my friend, and I still care about you. Don't forget that, nerd."

Tad chuckles, then Star looks to Kelly.

"Look...Marco is my best friend. I'm very protective of him, and I'd be lying if I said I...didn't still have SOME feelings for him deep down. But either way, I care about him a lot, and by the sounds of it...we have that in common." She thinks to herself for a moment, then sighs. "You... should absolutely tell him how you feel. If you keep bottling up your feelings, it will only get worse for you. Trust me...I know." She places a hand on Kelly's shoulder. "Whatever his response, I guarantee you'll feel better afterwards."

Kelly nods slowly. "I know...I know I need to..."

Tad places a hand on her other shoulder. "You've got this, Kelly. You're the strongest girl I know. You've defeated monsters large and small, saved me on several occasions, helped the kingdom fight back that big monster with the soul stealing eyes. No inner demons can stand in your way!"

A Wooletts CourageTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang