A Tad Conflicted

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"...Break up? Again? Well, I mean, if you want a break, then I guess that's fine. We'll still get back together for the Soulrise next week though, right?"

"...No, Tad. I mean...I want to break UP. I...I want us to move on. For good."

"Doing what, Kelly?"

"THIS, Tad! I mean...we can't keep on doing THIS. You know that, right? No...no normal couple breaks up and gets back together this much. And...every time we go through this cycle, it hurts me more and more inside. It's just...it's too much..."

"What are you saying, Kelly? We've always done things together. Even when we're going through rough times, we're there for each other! And we always will be."

"TAD! Please, just...I need space! You're always in my head, and yeah, sometimes it's nice, but lately it's just been feeling more and more...suffocating! I want to move on, I want YOU to move on! I'm tired!"

"...I don't understand this at all, Kelly. You're harshing my groove."

"UGH! Whatever! I don't have time for this, I've got somewhere to be. Stay in there if you want. But I don't want to talk right now."


"PLEASE! I just...I need some quiet right now, Tad. Can you do that for me?"

"...Sure, Kelly. Whatever you need."

Kelly and Marco are walking back to her house when they hear huffing behind them. As they turn around, they realize it's the show host. He stops a few feet away, catches his breath, then tosses Marco's phone at him. "Take that blasted thing away and the annoying creature on the other side with it! I QUIT this business!" He yells out as he turns around, seemingly exhausted. Marco looks at the phone and sees there was a recent call with Pony Head.

"Ha, looks like he got an earful of the pony. Can't say I blame his reaction." Marco laughs, as he looks at his home screen. "Well, I've still got some time before I've gotta go back to Mewni. So watcha wanna do?"

Kelly looks down the road in thought. "Well, first we need to get back to my place so I can give you the protective hair suit that I was gonna give you as soon as you arrived. Can't be caught outside without your hair on, for reasons just like the one you experienced today. Although, this scenario was a bit more...out there." She chuckles.

"Right, yeah, sorry. I got a bit lost in all the scenery, it's a very...colorful world." He looks around, taking in the pastel hills and the vibrant sky. "Haha, yeah. The stars are really pretty at night especially..." Kelly replies, looking up to the sky in thought. "You should come here at night sometime, we could go up to the top of Felttop Peak and see them super clear there!" She says, offering to show Marco the wonders of her world. 

"That could be cool! But uh, are people gonna fight us the whole way there?" Marco worries, thinking back to the earlier debacle. "Yeah, I kinda forgot to mention, us Wooletts are a very...fighting-based society. That's how we settle just about everything. There is no 'money' here, it's all done with punches, kicks, and various other tactics of fighting." Kelly states, pointing out a street cart where a patron gets slapped in the face and then happily walks away.

"Huh...that is simultaneously the coolest and weirdest thing I've ever heard of. A world where fighting IS the solution to all your problems!" He chuckles. "That...would have been nice to know BEFORE I got here, though." He notes, an awkward air breezing between the pair.

"Yeah...I was going to tell you about it when you got to my house. Try to ease you into it all, you know? I'm sorry, I should've just told you about it over the phone. I was dumb." Marco raises his hand to stop her from continuing her self-deprecation. "Nono, don't worry too much about it. Now I'm TOTALLY used to it. Best way to learn is a Trial by Fire. That was actually the title of a Mackie Hand film, fun fact."

A Wooletts CourageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora