The Young Avengers.

Start from the beginning

"That's different. It's not a fantasy, it's my job."

He took off his mask. "Is there nothing you'd like to do as Cat Maxwell after this?"

"Did Cat Maxwell even exist?" She shrugged. "All those names... and none of them were used on a day-to-day basis."

"A couple did. C.C., Cat, and Jane."

"Stop advocating for your other self," she scolded him.

"I'm trying to advocate for you! You don't see it?"

"See what?

"You're following the rules from when we were kids," Peter rolled his eyes. "Your identity doesn't have to serve your powers. All heroes are shapeshifters, Cat, you just happened to have that as your major." She stared at him like she'd never considered that. Peter smiled a little. "You're so sure we're going to call you out, but we all want you to be happy, and those who don't, don't deserve a second of your time. If we're paying attention to Kraven, is only because of you and Kurt... and Harley."

He squeezed her hand, the suit stopped her from feeling his warmth, but the gesture was comforting. Cat's voice came out a little shaky. "I just need you to be safe."

"I know. We'll take care... you should think about what's best for you, instead of the whole world."

"I live in this world, though," she stared down at their hands. "I want this world to be good for everyone no matter what."

"Me too. But I also want Peter Parker to have a place in my life again. You should give your other versions the same treatment you give to Copycat. They've all kept you going in different ways... and maybe," he looked uncomfortable, but he finished anyway. "Maybe one world is not enough for someone with so many lives."

Her gaze softened. "You know... I really wanted it to be with you. My one life."

He nodded smiling. "I also wanted it to be you. But it never happened."

She sniffed. "God, if I could go back and get a hold of Thanos..."

Peter let go of her hand. "Gotta hate those 'ifs'..."

She stared at him, as though her mind was somewhere else. "How do I know that's not what's drawing me to him, Pete? Our 'if'."

He shrugged. "When you look at him, do you see me?"

Cat laughed shortly. "The more I hang out with him the less I think of anyone, which makes no sense. And that's part of what scares me. I don't want him to erase you, I don't want him to take someone else's place."

"Someone has to," Peter's eyes turned a thousand years old. "I told you to let go long ago so you could hold onto something better... Something that didn't hurt to keep."

Back then he'd been her safe haven. She realized that was what Parker was feeling now. Cat remembered the way it'd hit her, not only because of what it entailed, but she'd also been trying to keep Parker out of his own world at some point, safely tucked in the bubble of her apartment.


Kate parked the van fifteen minutes away from the mansion, hidden on the edge of the forest. They got out and fetched what they needed: weapons, tech, and suits.

"So you still don't know how to drive, huh?" Cat was quite carsick after the trip. "You should've let Kurt take the wheel..."

"My van, no one touches it," Kate said, then she looked up and frowned. "Where's Kurt?"

"He's taking a call," Cat said. "I'll get him."

She didn't have to walk long, Kurt was still on the call when she found him, he was talking to Rocket, trying his best to sound calm. "I gotta hang up, boss—"

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