Missing dad

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It was a quiet Monday evening at Pontypandy fire station but in one persons head her emotions were going haywire. They couldn't focus, couldn't concentrate. Couldn't nothing.

Sam had been told by Boyce to stay at Newtown fire station alongside him to the wind levels had calmed down. The news which was told to Steele then the fire crew of Pontypandy hours ago.

Though, one didn't like the news, not one bit at all but really who could blame an eleven year old redheaded girl. Smart like her mum Penny but very so much the female version of her father.


Quiet but noticeable by all of the Pontypandy crew. They turned there heads and saw Jones stood there, pjs on, hair in a ponytail Penny had done in the morning when I awoke. The tear tracks so evident as were the sniffs.

"Jones" Penny coaxed as I walked towards her crying the whole time "What's wrong?"

Everyone was worried. Worried someone was yet again hurting their fire cadet. Though what was said wasn't a huge shocker to their systems either

"Miss daddy" I cried

Everyone but my mum forgot I was such a dads girl.

"I know baby but he's stuck in Newtown cause of the wind" Penny said softly as to not make me anymore distraught then I was already

She saw Steele unlock Sam's office as he knew what I was seeking and he whispered to Penny "Call Sam"

She nodded and once in Sam's office and logged in as herself not as the two redheads she loved as a husband and a daughter, she called Sam on the video chat.

The call connected and both adults smiled warmly at each other before Sam saw that his daughter was clutched to her mum.

"She okay?" Sam asked worried, he hadn't seen me this upset in a longtime.

"Daddy!!!!" I exclaimed as Sam smiled back at his now smiling daughter, relieved to see why he'd been called and he was glad to now see a smile on what was a broken version of her a few secs ago

"Miss you daddy" I sniffed "want you"

"I know baby I know" Sam said wishing he could be there to comfort me, to hug me, to give me what he knew I was looking for "Mummy's there though, she can comfort you to I get back okay"

"Okay daddy but stay on to I've fallen asleep" I asked smiling a tad

"Of course"

Both my parents watch me fall asleep into a not so deep slumber. They knew I'd be up in ten mins, half an hour to an hour if lucky but they also knew it was a difficult task of getting me to sleep or stay asleep if Sam wasn't around or at an easy reach for when his daughter needed him.

Once ten mins had passed of silence between my parents mum said "She's been asking for you all day Sam, since she heard the news, she's such a daddies girl, she loves you Sam"

"She loves you to Pen, call me when she wakes" Sam said

"No need"

"Hm?" He asked as he waited for her to go on but the two sleepy emerald green eyes were his response when he smiled softly and knew he was gonna use all his phone battery on staying on call with his daughter and wife to I had relaxed but he couldn't help but miss them loads as well

After all like father like daughter

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