Chapter 1: Introduction

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Salem, 1653

The town of Salem, Massachusetts was quiet and calm, with the villagers going about their day, minding their own business.

One girl even skipped up to a woman and handed her some flowers with a sweet smile. Yes, everything was perfect that day in Salem.

"Out of my way!"

...Until it wasn't.

A young man stomped down the road of Salem, pushing away anyone that blocked his path.

"Move!" He growled, shoving some kids out of his way.

Everyone gasped and stepped aside, not wanting to meet the wrath of the angry boy.

An old woman exited her house and only made it about two steps when the boy stomped passed her.

The woman gasped and turned back to her front door. "Well, that was enough for me today." She told herself.

The boy continued on his tirade, knocking baskets out of people's hands, and pushing people aside, as the villagers gasped and whispered at him.

"Winston Sanderson." Someone exclaimed.

The boy pushed through another group of people and marched down the dirt path.

He was a young boy of 16, and he had curly red hair, and long canines that looked like fangs. He was dressed in traditional 1600 clothing, and had a scowl etched into his face.

Winston Sanderson stomped to his house, opened the door, and slammed it shut.


Once he was inside he threw off his hat, and turned around to see the faces of his two sisters Sarah and Mary. Sarah was a short girl with curly blonde hair, and Mary had black hair that was hidden underneath her bonnet that curled up at the top, and her bottom lip was tilted to the side.

They were holding up a cloth banner that had the words 'Bless-ed Birthe Day'

"Surprise!" The two girls exclaimed.

Instead of being grateful, Winston looked angry. "This is the worst day of my life!" He declared.

The sisters panicked a bit and threw the banner aside. This was definitely not the reaction they were expecting. Still, they tried to salvage it, and cheer him up.

"But Winnie, look what we have made." The youngest, Sarah said excitedly.

She pointed to the table were a plate of something red and jiggly sat on a plate.

"I discovered if thou doth grind pig's hooves and mix it with water, it creates mysterious goo." She giggled. "Then Mary had the wonderful idea to mix a drop of goat's blood. And look, it jiggleth. Here, look."

Sarah demonstrates by poking the mysterious goo and watching it wiggle.

Mary giggled too. "Taste this Winnie. 'Tis divine!"

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