Two: Teamspeak

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Amelie's P.O.V

Ashlyn stared at her computer. She sighed, groaned, then dropped into her pillow in great frustration.

"I can't find a fucking college in California that I like," Ashlyn complained.

"Um.. you don't want to stay in Wyoming? It's beautiful here!" I said as the tone of my voice lowered. "All your friends are here, including me..."

"Agh, No.. I'm sorry Ams, but I can't stay here, I need to..." She gulped. "Get away from here."

After she said that the room became completely silent. Just then I took a closer look at her and began to realize how unorganized and how much of a wreck she looked. Her blonde hair was messy, no makeup, she wore her glasses. The bags under her eyes are so noticeable. Ashlyn was stressed out. I refused to ask her why she wanted to get away from Wyoming and go across the country to California. It must've been personal.

"So..." I said trying to break the silence. "Where should I apply?"

"If you don't really have like an idea yet I suggest community college until you get your mind set," Ashlyn told me. I nodded in reply.


It's currently 3 AM and I go on Twitter and decide to stalk people. Fucking creepy. I go stalk Bee and Straub's twitters first because one, they're my favorite, two, Straubee is life yo. I really wish I had a friendship like theirs. While scrolling through Straub's Twitter I see that he has retweeted something from Grape and I realized I don't even follow Grape. I click on his profile and briefly read his name and his bio.

Sean @Grapeapplesauce
20 year old YouTuber. Owner of @CoveMC. Forever in love with @BustyUnicorns.

Cool name, I guess. Sean seems pretty cool. He's only one year older than me... and he's fucking 1000000x more famous. Wait... HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND. GRAPEY HAS A GIRLFRIEND?! How does he get a girlfriend? I can barely even get guys to wave to me, and we're almost the same person right? I think? According to my Twitter followers we are. Single forever. 

@LookingForAmelie // Ah-ma-lie

I tweet that thinking it was clever that instead of single I wrote sing-elie. Get it? Singelie Amelie? It rhymes! No? You don't get it.. Oh um ok bye.

While scrolling through Twitter I get a notification from Twitch that Grapey is streaming. I didn't want to watch his stream yet, I'll watch later. I'm kind've in the middle of stalking Grapey/Sean's girlfriend. She's pretty and she seems like one of those girls that are depressed judging from the tweets she posts. She's just like me, except I don't tweet about my depression and how sad I am. I follow her aswell. My phone beeped and it turns out it's a text from my internet friend, Ava, she was freaking out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2015 ⏰

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