One: I'm such a stalker

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Amelie's P.O.V

I was in the mood to watch some livestreams and when I went on Twitch there wasn't really anyone I wanted to watch who was streaming so I was forced to find someone else, preferably from the Cube, a Minecraft vanilla whitelisted server. I know what you're about to say, why just the Cube? or something like oemgee she's a crazy fangirl. I'm NOT I swear. I mainly only watch Bee, Rusher, and Straub, but I know a little bit about everyone on the Cube.

On Twitch the only person who I found streaming from the Cube was Grapeapplesauce. I didn't know much about Grape and I never really watched his videos. The only things I probably knew about him is that he was part of the fruity brothers (Straub and Grape for you people who don't know) and that he is a big fan of "grapples."I don't even know his name! I don't even follow him on Twitter.. and I follow 328 people.

I clicked on Grape's stream and it seemed like he just started. That voice. Oh my god. What a.. Grapey voice. He's playing some edm in the background. Well, he had a good taste in music atleast. I just ended up going on Twitter while I waited for him to actually start playing something.

@LookingForAmelie // Ah-ma-lie
Is Grapeapplesauce a good youtuber/streamer? I need opinions.

I was curious about people's opinions, and I really love listening to opinions. It's kind've weird but if you have an opinion on something I'm here to listen to it. Anyways, I have around 958 Twitter followers someone should have an opinion right? Especially if it's an opinion on someone as famous as Grapeapplesauce. After about 3 minutes of the tweet being posted, I get a reply from one of my followers.

@oktori // Tori :)
@LookingForAmelie He's pretty entertaining and a really good PvPer

So, he's apparently good at PvP. I'm pretty good at it too if I do say so myself, that's where all my "Twitter fame" came from. I'm known because I'm always killing YouTubers in their streams. Sorry not sorry. I can't help it, I just want to kill them all. It's like one huge Pokemon game for me, except I don't catch them I kill them. Wow, that sounded dumb.

"Okay guys! I'm going to start off today with a few Badlion duels with the subs, just so we can get warmed-up for the UHC that's starting in a few," I heard Grape's voice. I'm guessing he just started streaming. I really want to PvP him to see if he is good at PvP but I don't sub to him on Twitch, and I only sub if I really enjoy their streams. The only people I subbed to on Twitch was Bee & Straub, because I really enjoyed their content.

Grape started off dueling someone named HenryHippoMC, which is a name I swore I've seen on Twitter before. The type he chose was a UHC duel. Before they started fighting the guy asked for a screenie first, Oh subs, what are you gonna do about them? When they start PvPing is when things get interesting the guy hits & blocks Grape getting him to 4 hearts, while HenryHippoMC is at 8. Then Grape backs away from HenryHippo so that he can eat a golden apple to heal himself up up 6 hearts. Then Grape gets his fishing rod which he calls a "rocket rod" and smacked him stopping his sprint. Then Grape takes his bow and shoots him then hit & blocks HenryHippo and well, he dies. Grape won. GG Grape.

The next couple of rounds Grape ended up with 4 wins and 1 loss. I really want to battle Grape to see how good he really is, but I ain't wasting my money just to subscribe to him. I doubt that I would ever play a game with him even if I did subscribe to his Twitch. Grape is just too famous and I will not waste my time to be one of those fangirls who's LIFE GOAL is to get in a game with him. That's just not me.


I woke up the next day really uncomfortable it seems that I fell asleep in front of my laptop. What was I doing last night? My laptop was still on and it was plugged it. I took it out of sleep mode and I have 2 tabs open; Twitch and Twitter. I click on the Twitter tab and it looks like I was on Grapeapplesauce's Twitter and I was looking at a tweet from almost 2 years ago. My eyes widen, what was I doing stalking his Twitter at night? After that I exit the Twitter tab and go onto the Twitch tab. Is this a coincidence or what? I am on Grape's Twitch profile. Amelie please tell me you were not stalking him even though there's a whole lot of evidence that you WERE. I close all tabs and shut off my laptop because it was getting really heated. I stretched and then grab my phone from my bedside table so I could check Twitter and tweet.

@LookingForAmelie // Ah-ma-lie
My stalker level went from 0-100 real quick. Well maybe it was always 100.

I tweet a lot everyday some days have more than others but usually it's around 5-10 tweets a day not including replies. Okay maybe that is alot, but it's nothing compared to the time when I tweeted 112 times in one day, now that's an addiction. If I ever do that again someone needs to slap me back into reality.

When I get out of bed I go downstairs to get breakfast. I look at the clock 9:30 AM, not bad. I go into the cabinets and grab a bowl, then I go grab a box of Apple Jacks, and grab a spoon. I pour my cereal into the bowl and I eat. My Aunt Sara then comes downstairs.

"Good morning Amelie," She said as she yawned.

"Morning," I replied and smiled at her.

"Any plans for today?" She asked me and I shook my head no "You need to get out of the house more, what's Ashlyn doing today?" Ashlyn is my best friend, atleast in high school she was but now she's slowly drifting away from me.

"I don't know probably filling out college applications," I sighed.

"You should join her, you need to start thinking about college," Aunt Sara told me. I stared at her with a blank face "Come on! You're 19 already!"

"Ugh fine, I'll call her," I complained.

I'm honestly not ready for college, AT ALL. I need a longer break. I know I finished high school almost a year ago but I have so much to see in the world. I don't want to be tied down to one job I'll have for the rest of my life. Plus, my social anxiety isn't going to be very great in college. Youtubers are so lucky most of them don't go to college, they work from home. I would start doing YouTube but I don't have the motivation to, I will probably end up quitting. I should start applying for college, right? My grades in high school were average, not the best. I had mostly B's, few C's, and like one A. I don't even know what college I would want to go to, so many choices but not a lot of people would accept me. Ugh, I wish I was a kid again, like 7 years old, when my life was normal. I still need to text Ashlyn. Shit. She'll help me with my college dilemma, right?

Author's Note:
Heeeeeeeeeeeyyy guuuuuuuysss! \O/

Well, this is it the first chapter of my grape ff. I hope you guys like it so far! :) I updated this story instead on TGOMCS because I had this chapter prewritten, and I wanted to give you guys atleast one chapter this week.

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(p.s. I'm really proud of the photo editing skills I did, like for Amelie's Twitter)

(Published 8/18/15)

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