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3 years before...

Amelie's P.O.V

"Amelie, it's okay. You can speak to me," The therapists said as I sobbed into the arms of my sweater.

"I can't... I JUST CAN'T!" I screamed loudly.

"Amelie if you don't open up, you won't be able to fix your issues," She said as she pats my back.

I continue wailing with my face in the arms of my sweater. I can't tell her. She won't fucking understand. No one fucking understands. 16 year olds aren't suppose to deal with shit like this, why does life fucking hate me?!


The woman stares at me blankly.

"They both left... when I needed them most," I stare at the ground. "I don't even know where I'm going with my life anymore, or what's going to happen." Tears fall slowly down my cheeks.

"How has all of this affected you? What do you mean by 'when I needed them most' ?" She asked me.

I stay silent for a few minutes just thinking about the question she just asked me. I take a deep sigh and lay back into the chair I was sitting in and stare at the white ceiling. This woman looked like she was ready to listen. I guess I must give her what she wants... right?

"My dad... he left when my mom was struggling with bills, we were poor at the time," I gulp. "My mom died when I needed help..." More tears fall down my face dripping onto my shirt and pants.

"What exactly did you need help with?" The therapists ask.

I unzip my sweater and take it off revealing a black short sleeved t-shirt and my bare arms. There we cuts on my left and right forearm, they were still fairly fresh. The therapists glances at them for a little bit. I looked at them and then felt a sudden jot of pain.

Just looking at them made me experience sadness all over again. They made me remember the words I am taunted with, the friendships that have died, the people I love drift away, most of all... the feeling of being alone.



"I can't believe I trusted you..."

"I don't love you anymore!"

"Go kill yourself"

"I'm sorry Amelie, I have to go..."

Everything came into my mind like a bomb, it hurt like hell and it happened all in a short amount of time. I was in pain. Maybe more than pain. It felt like death. I start sobbing loudly. My screams grow louder. The pain is killing me. The world starts closing in on me. I scream and cry uncontrollably.

"Amelie! Answer me! Answer me!" The therapist screamed while shaking my shoulders... and just like that, I blacked out.


1 day after blacking out...

I woke up with a throbbing headache. I open my eyes slowly and looked around the room, I'm in a hospital. Very faintly in the other room I can hear people talking about me. How did I get here what happened? In less than a few minutes my Aunt Sara barged into the room. I quickly closed my eyes.

"Amelie!" she cried out as she buried her face within my hospital bed. "Please be okay," I hear her mutter to herself. I finally decide that I should let her know I'm awake so I opened my eyes.

"Aunt Sara..." I said slowly and I saw her frown transform into and smile, she then hugged me uncontrollably.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't here sooner, I was in Arizona.. and then I heard the news," She started to sob. "Don't worry... I'm still here..."

I look at her and I start to flutter my eyes closed.

I'm a wreck.


Surprise ;) Early release, first chapter will be released when the last chapter of TGOMCS goes up *Cough cough* 1-2 weeks. :)


(Published 8/1/15)

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