5 years later

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Arianna's pov
Maya is now six years old.
She was a only child still, because we weren't ready to try again just yet.

We lived in a new house with.
- Sam and Katrina
- Jake, Tara was here a lot she is Jake's gf
- And ofc Corey lives here as well.
Him and Devyn unfortunately broke up.

But me Kat and Dev are still pretty good friends.

This was what i was wearing

With my hair up in a messy bun

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With my hair up in a messy bun.

I had been feeling pretty sick lately, just like six years ago. Wait am i pregnant again?

Maya came running inside our room screaming jumping on our bed.
" Mommy, Daddy wake up!" she said.
" What is it my little princess?"
Colby asked smiling sitting up putting her on his lap.
" School." she said.
" Oh yeah, you go get ready and i will find everything you need." Colby said.

" Ok, Mommy can you help me?" she asked.
" Yeah ofc." i said getting up.
Colby kissed me quickly before walking downstairs.

I walked after Maya into her room, it looked like this btw

I walked after Maya into her room, it looked like this btw

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If u haven't guessed it her favorite color is purple. I then opened her closet.

" So do you wanna wear a dress or something else?" i asked looking at her smiling.
" Um dress." she said smiling back at me.
" Ok, what about this one?" i asked, showing her a pink dress with different color hart's on.
She nodded excited.

I then braided her hair in to parts just like she wanted it, then we walked downstairs.
Colby had made breakfast for us.

We sat down eating.
I felt like i was going to puke. So i got up and ran to the nearest bathroom.
I trew up, i sat there for a while until i was done i washed my face and walked upstairs brushing my teeth.
Before walking downstairs to Colby and Maya.
I sat down next to them, eating my food.
Colby gave me a you okay look.

I just nodded giving him a will tell you in the car after dropping her off sign.
He nodded.

We ate our food and dropped off Maya at school. Colby was driving btw.

" So what's going on?" he asked as he started driving home again.
" Colby i think i am pregnant again."
i said looking at him crying.
" Really?" he asked still  looking at the road.
" Yeah." i said, Colby laid his hand on my thigh as he pulled into the parking lot of the local  Target.

" Wait here babygirl." he said getting out.
A while later he came back. I could see he had been crying a little.

We drove home, i had to Pee so i went to take the tests.
Colby had also bought me a chocolate and my favorite iced tea. He came inside sitting beside me waiting with me to see the results.

We were both crying.
We sat there talking about that if we we were pregnant again we wanted to keep it.
The timer went off and we both got up from the bathroom floor.
I sat down on the counter next to the tests.
Colby was standing in between my legs.
He looked at me giving me a reassuring smile.
I nodded smiling at him.
We were both still crying though.

He flipped the tests...

Word count- 557

Teenage mom ( Colby x reader)Where stories live. Discover now