The news

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Arianna's pov:
Me and my boyfriend Colby was sitting on the couch in my living room talking when he said.

" Hey, babe i have some news" he said looking at me really happy.
" Me and Sam are moving to LA!" he said smiling. " But..." he said as his smile faded.
" We have to break up" he said looking at me kinda sad. " Ok, well just remember fallow ur dreams. And get out" i said crying.

He did as i said because he knew it wouldn't be a good idea to stay.
Cause it would be harder for both of us when he was going to leave.

Before i knew it i was sitting in my living-room all alone. Crying over some stupid boy.

*The next day

Colby's pov:
Me and Sam was sitting talking about what we wanted to do.
" So what about exploring places
around the world?" he asked looking at me.
" Sure, sounds cool" i said looking at the floor.
" U ok Colby? U have been acting weird since u left Arianna's place" he said looking at me.
" Uh yeah. I told her about LA and then we broke up" i said looking at him trying
to not cry.

" Hey! It's okay if u wanna cry" Sam said looking at me. Holding his hand on my back.
And that's when i couldn't hold it in anymore and broke down crying.

Arianna's pov:
I have just packed all of Colby's stuff that was over at my house  plus all the things he had bought me as-well in a box.
And was currently driving over to his place.

I pulled up and parked the car next to Sam's.
I then walked to the front door and rang the bell. " Hey Arianna" Colby's mom said opening the door and smiling. " Hey" i said looking at her kinda smiling.
" Want to come inside?" she asked.
" Um, no. I was just here to drop of Colby's stuff" i said handing her the box.
"Oh" she said looking kinda sad understanding we broke up.
" Well its a box with ur name on it. So i guess it's urs" she said handing me a box.
" Thanks" i said.
" U welcome hunny" she said smiling giving me a quick hug.

" Well i have to go now. Bye" i said walking over to my new BMW.
" Bye!" she said.

Colby's pov:
I then heard the doorbell ring.
" Hey Arianna" my mom said.
" Hey" she said.
" Want to come inside?" my mom asked.
" Um, no. I was just here to drop off Colby's stuff" she said in a sad tone.
" Oh" my mom said sounding sad probably realizing we broke up.
" Well it's a box with ur name on it. So i guess it's urs" mom said.
" Thanks" Arianna said.
" U welcome hunny" mom said.

" Well i have to go now. Bye" Arianna said.
" Bye!" mom said closing the door starting to walk upstairs.

" Hey Sam, Colby!"
" Well i have to go now, bye miss Brock" Sam said getting up.
" Bye Sam" mom said as he walked out.
" Bye Sam!" " Bye Colby!" Sam shouted from the top of the stairs.

" So u and Arianna broke up hu?" mom said breaking the silence and sitting down next to me. " Uh yeah" i said looking at her whit tears in my eyes.
" I am sorry Colby" she said pulling me into a deep hug.
" Let me know if u need anything ok?" she said getting up.
" Ok" i said i said as she walked off.

*Later that night
I was so tired i just went to bed.
Thinking of what if i would rather just told Arianna she could come along.

Arianna's pov:
I got home and saw that mom and dad was on the phone.
" Hey!" i said walking up to them.
" Well i have to go check on Colby" Colby's mom said. " Ok, bye" mom answered.
" Bye" she said before she hung up.

" So we heard Sam and Colby are moving to LA tomorrow morning " dad said looking at me.
" Yeah, and that u and Colby broke up?" mom said looking at me. " Uh yeah" i said.

" They wanted to focus on their Youtube channel's and stuff" i said.
" Well we are here if u need anything" mom said smiling at me before pulling me into a hug. " Yeah" dad said joining the hug.

" Why u all hugging?" my twin brother asked.
" Because Colby and Arianna broke up" dad said. " Oh" he said.
" Come join the hug Logan" mom said.
" Ok" he said hugging us all back.

" Ok well i am going to go take a shower" i said pulling away from the hug.
" Ok" dad said before kissing me on the forehead.

I then walked upstairs and found a pair of new clothes and a towel.
And got in the shower when i thought about moving out.

I got out of the shower when i was done.
When i got the idea to move to Las Vegas.
I dried my hair and put on my outfit.

(The outfit) ⬇️

 And then i went downstairs and grabbed my car keys and drove over to Target to get some stuff

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And then i went downstairs and grabbed my car keys and drove over to Target to get some stuff. When i walked past the Period stuff.

Remembering my period was late.
So i went to grab a pregnancy test just incase.

I then went to the front and payed.
As i walked out i saw Sam and Nate whit Alex walking over to the entrance.
I  just looked at the ground as i past them.
And got to my car driving off.

I got home and ate dinner with my Family and then went to go to bed.

I feel asleep shortly after.

[ Word count- 944]

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