Phone call

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Arianna's pov
I must have fallen asleep last night while watching tv.
Because grays anatomy was on pause.
I started feeling nauseous so i got up and went to the bathroom.
I started throwing up.

When i was done i walked back to my bedroom and laid down on my bed.
I saw i had gotten a text from mom.
M: How long are u with 🤱?
A: Um 3 week's
M: Ok, love u i am here if u need anything.
A: Ok thanks love u too. Same btw.

I laid my phone down and started watching grays anatomy.
I think i watched a hole 12 episode's.

Colby's pov:
I woke up to a phone call from my mom.
C- Colby m- mom

C: Hello?
M: Hey Cole Robert Brock.
Oh shit she sounds mad.
C: What?
M: Arianna is pregnant Cole.
C: Wait what?
M: Yeah.
C: Omg i had no idea I..i.
I said as i started crying again.
M: Colby please don't cry it's going to be okay.
C: Mom i left my pregnant ex girl back in Kansas, i am already a horrible dad.

M: Colby don't say that u didn't know.
C: Where is Ari now?
M: She moved to Vegas.
C: Vegas?
M: Yeah.
C: Wow that is 5 hours away from here.
M: Colby u are not going to Vegas.
C: Try and stop me.
M: Cole no.

I just hung up.
Good i couldn't believe it i was going to be a dad. And i left my girl behind.
I am probably the worst dad ever..

Sam started waking up.
" What's up brother?" he asked looking at me.
" Wanna go to Vegas?"

Arianna's pov:
I got up and went to take a shower.
When i was done i got a notification from instagram.
Colby brock posted something new to his story.

 Colby brock posted something new to his story

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Liked by Sam Golbach and 12 others

Colby Brock: Vegas here we come.🍔🥳
Sam Golbach: But why Colby??🧐😂
Fan: Oh i know a place u can explore in Las Vegas..✈️🌊
Colby liked fan's comment.

I just unfollowed and blocked Sam and Colby.
And the rest of the gang back in Kansas.

I didn't want to be in contact with them anymore.

I got up and decided i would go make some food. I just made a bowl with lucky charms.
I sat down on the counter eating my cereal.
Tomorrow i had a job interview.
With a movie set.
Because my plan was becoming an actress.

I got a little tired and decided i would go take a nap..

When i woke up again i had over 10 messages from my brother Logan.
Wow i have slept for 3 hours.

L: Arianna u awake?
L: Ari!!!!?
L: ??
L: Hello?
L: ur scaring me 😭
L: Arianna!!!!
L: ??
L: Wake up!!!!
L: u dead? 👻☠️

A: I am awake. What is it?
L: Love u and congratulations on 🤱.
A: Thanks. 🥰🥂
L: No drinking!!
A: Yeah i know. 😂🥰

Wait did he know.
Well whatever Ben and dad probably
knows as well. Mom told them ahhhhh.

Wait dose that mean Colby knows is that why he is on his way to Vegas?
" Shit."
i said grabbing a pillow and putting it over my face. I couldn't control it anymore and started crying. I couldn't breathe it felt like my chest was on fire. I started to shake as well.
" Good dang it." i said crying more.

then i started to get my breath back.
I turned to my back just looking at the ceiling breathing heavily.

The phone started ringing..
It was..
My boy, other words Colby since i never changed his name.

C- Colby A- Arianna

C: Arianna?
A: What do u want Colby?

C: I just wanted to say that i am sorry for leaving u and that i regret not saying that u could come with. Before u broke up with me.
A:  Cole i..
C: Arianna mom told me that u are pregnant and that just makes everything worse.
A: Ur mom told u what?
C: Ari i am so sorry please forgive me i had no idea about the baby.

He said crying.
A: Colby it's not ur fault u didn't know i was pregnant either did i.
C: Arianna are u keeping it?
A: I think so yeah.
C: Can we get back together?
A: Um u live in LA i live like as u probably know Las Vegas.
C: I know but u can move to LA with me. I mean we are moving in with some other people in a fucking mansion.
A: Colby i just moved to Vegas.
C: I know but...
A: ...
C: Ari please
C: I wanna be a good dad. But that has to be with us living a little closer or together.
A: Colby i don't know.
C: Please
A: Fine i can move to LA and we can at least try to start something again.
But if it doesn't work i won't try again.
C: Ok thanks. What's ur address?
A: (Adress)
C: Okay see u soon.
A: See ya.

I just looked at the wall and started crying again..
Omg i have to pack again.

I then got to work and started packing once again.
After an hour i gave up..
I was sitting on the floor crying my eyes out.
I just laid down on the floor still crying.

When i heard the bedroom door open.
" Arianna u ok?" I heard Sam ask.

Word count - 920

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