Morning sickness

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3 months later

Arianna's pov
I woke up. Great i have to trow up again.
I thought as i got up and walked to the nearest bathroom. I trew up and went back to bed.
I cuddled up to Colby but i couldn't sleep... My back was hurting like hell. My boobs were numb. And my head was hurting.
My feet swollen and my neck sore.
" Colby." i said pocking his check.
" Yeah?" he asked in his hot morning voice.
" I can't sleep." i said getting on my back.
" Oh wanna go get some food?" he asked with his morning voice.
" Sure." i said smiling.

I got up and walked to the closet.
I found my outfit

" So how are my girls?" Colby asked

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" So how are my girls?" Colby asked.
" Well she is okay, and i feel like shit."
i said looking at Colby.
" Oh i am so sorry." he said kissing me.
" No it's okay." i said smiling.

He got changed as well. He put on his Nirvana hoodie and his red beanie and ofc some black skinny jeans.
We went to chipotle and got some food.
We have lived in LA for almost 4 months now.
And we have only been here like twice.

As we were eating i could feel the baby kick.
" Ow." i said holding my stomach.
" Is she kicking?"
Colby asked looking at my stomach.
" Yeah she is." i said looking at him.
We ate our food and went home.

5 moths later
After trying to push Maya me and Colbys daughter out of me for about 3 hours.
She was finally out of me. I was happy she was out cause it's been some rough 9 months.
With the breakup and the baby.
When we got home we went to sleep.

A year later
This last year Colby and Maya have been running around the place all the time.
They have been swimming. Running upstairs.
Chasing Big Nick around.
Having a dad and daughter relationship.
Me and Maya just do that when Sam and Colby is on trips and stuff..
And we often do something while he's at work. And once in a week we all do something. Sometimes she does stuff with Katrina and Devyn. Sam, Corey and sometimes Aaron.
Often she chases the dogs around the house.
1 year later

Pretend u were there as well.
After we were done filming it i went upstairs to take a nap with Maya.
When Maya and i woke up we decided we would go to Target.

At Target.
" Hey how old are u miss?"
a woman asked walking up to me.
" 20." i said. " And ur sister?" she asked.
" She is my daughter actually." i said.
" Ok we'll how old."
she asked with a judging look.
" Um she is 2 years old."
i said looking at the floor.
" Sluth." she said walking away.
I just stood there as my tears started running.
" Mom can we get this?" Maya asked.

" Mom can we get this?" Maya asked

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" Sure, what's the name?" i asked.
" Uh Tristan." Maya said smiling.
" Okay let's go pay and then we can go home."
i said walking to the checkout.
I paid and picked up Maya walking to the car.
It's Colby's Toyota Corolla btw..
We then drove home.

At home.
Maya walked upstairs and played with Devyn and Navi. As i put the groceries away.
I could feel some hands wrap around my waist.
" Hi Colby." i said smiling.
" Hi baby, u okay?" he asked.
" Uh yeah except that a lady called me a sluth because i had a child at 18, at the store today."
i said turning to face him.
" Wait what?"
he asked as a tear ran down his face.
" Yeah." i said giving him a hug.
" I am so sorry babygirl." He said kissing me.
" It's okay." i said looking at him.
" No it is not." He said looking at me.
" Just forget it." i said.

We ate dinner with the rest of the house.
Then me and Maya went to bed.
We changed to our pj's and brushed our teeth
She slept in our bed btw.
We feel asleep cuddling, she was laying on top of me. Colby came a while later.

Word count - 698

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