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"Ruby Jane!"

"Ms. Ruby!"

I smile and wave at the cameras as I made my out of the venue for Chanel's Paris Fashion Week. For the past 3 years, I and Lisa made our way up in the business and modeling industry. We mostly shoot as a duo and are called as the power siblings. Funny right?

A lot of things changed, I am staying with Lisa as I started college a few years back making us have a hard time to have our alone time but we stayed strong even we have little arguments. We also celebrated our 3rd anniversary last month and still dating lowkey but gladly I'll be graduating college soon because me and Lisa planned that we will be revealing our relationship to Mom, Dad and our friends.


"Simi! it's been a long time" I smile and hug her tight. Well~ Simi is one of the models I got closed with as I started to do solo endorsements and we got along pretty good together with her twin, Haze.

"I know! It's been months girl! How are you?" She kisses my cheeks and we started walking together

"You know busy, for my final exams. We have a big project" I explain and look at the paparazzis following us around while Dan was behind me.

"That's still 2 months from now and you can get help from you sister. Speaking off, where is she?" I roll my eyes in annoyance since she likes Lisa, like literally a lot! But it's good that Lisa ignores her because I swear, I'll be cutting her sword if she talks to Simi.

"She's busy" I flash a fake smile and take pictures with her when the cameras continued flashing. We made our way to the VIP lounge for the after party but I won't stay long since Lisa is fetching me and will be having her photoshoot in an hour and I want to accompany her.

"It's almost your birthday, any plans?" She clings to my arm

"I actually plan to have it at my house. I'll send out the invitations today or tomorrow" I giggle and she squeals in excitement

"You better set me up with Pranpriya! Oh my god! I want to hold and touch her! I mean we've met but she's too cold" She pouts

"You deserve it" I roll my eyes and was shock with what I said

"You meanie!"

"I-I-I mean...Pran is a cold person you know that" I shrug and turn away, relieved with my excused. I had a few drinks at the party and took picture with the directors and CEOs

"I expect the invitation though" She laughs then we head out to the VIP lobby where Lisa was waiting by her car that was a gift from Dad again last Christmas. I think she already owns 3 cars.

"Pran! Hi!" Simi waves but Lisa just nods and opens the door for me. I bid my goodbye to Simi before getting in while Lisa gets in the driver's seat and helps me with my seatbelt, which she is  doing most of the time.

"Hi hon, how was the show?" Lisa pecks my lips and smiles before she fixes her seatbelt and drive out of the venue. Curious about our bodyguards? Well, they are following right behind us.

"It was great" I smile and kiss her cheeks

"Good to hear, you have your clothes at the back. You can change hon once we get to our destination"

"Are we going straight to the company?" I curiously ask while removing my heels.

"We'll drop by the office of your party organizer to grab your invitations and to finalize the food and your cake"

YOU AND ME (JENLISA G!P)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat