CHAPTER 16: 143

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"Hey! Back off!" Nayeon pushes the boys who were blocking our way as we walked toward the cafeteria.

It's been months since Dad introduced me to the public and a lot of people want to get close and be friends with me now because Lisa isn't around her already. I freaking swear! Her fans are bothering me. My friends here on the other are protecting me since Lisa talked to and treated them to lunch and dinner every two weeks which they loved.

"Calm down Nayeon, my bodyguards are here" I giggle  then glance at my two bodyguards who are blocking them then I pull her with me as we catch up with Joy and Mina in the cafeteria.

"Wow! I still can't you're really one of the Manobans like literally the "real Manobans"" Nayeon utters in disbelief and we both take a seat. A lot are actually trying to use the surname and tell that they are the "Manoban heiress" and since dad introduced me and Lisa, no one would already dare to spread rumors about them being the secret Manoban heiress.

"They still can't over Pran? What if they followed you home?" Joy giggles. We actually expected that they would get over for a month or two.

"That's the purpose of their security Joy. Use your head" Mina rolls her eyes and continues eating. I can't with these two~

"By the way, I heard that Pran is busy working in your family's company. Did she stop her studies?" Joy asks and I look at her confusedly

"Where did you get that info?"

"It was spread across the internet, didn't you see it?" Joy asks again

"What? No that's fake news" I scoff and start munching on my food

"So where is she studying?" Mina asks and lean close to me

"That's a secret" I stick my tongue out making them whine. I roll my eyes mentally and continue with my food. Why does everyone wanted to know about Lisa's whereabouts?! 

"Youngmaster?" One of the bodyguards approached me as I called them with the signal of my index finger 

"Dan can you please bring these in the car" I hand over some paper bags to him which contained Lisa's favorite foods since she's been telling me that she's missing the school's cafeteria. I don't even know why she missed the food....

"Yes youngmaster" He nods and leaves. I turn to look at my friends and place a small piece of paper on the table

"Come to my house this Saturday. Pran wants to treat you dinner" I roll my eyes and walk away


"Be thankful that Lisa's friend likes you Joy" I mumble and bid goodbye to them since we're dismissed early today. I planned that I'll drop by the MNB Corp. and check on Lisa. I've never seen her for a couple of weeks because she got an apartment near to the company and her school plus she's busy with her studies, the company and photoshoots for magazine covers and endorsements.

"Dan, let's go to MNB Corp." I said and quickly get in the car. He nods and droves off.

"Is Mom and Dad at the company?" I ask since he's also updated about their schedules.

"Mrs. Manoban is having a presscon for her new movie and Mr. Manoban is on his way for a charity ball" He replies

"I see~" I sigh and nod. It seems that I'll be alone again at home for a couple of months

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