Changing him

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Blake's POV

The sun came through the windows hitting me on my eyes, they fluttered open to see him on the floor sleeping. (Y/n)... he's so mysterious yet strong but he won't let anyone get close to him. His eyes are beautiful and compassionate, yet they hold a sense of pain behind him, I wonder if I can help him with that pain. What goes on inside that head of yours (Y/n)?

Yang's POV

I've been awake for a little while thinking about everything so far, I love the team I'm with my little sister is the leader, ice queen can be rude but it's just a part of her cold nature. Blake is weird but I think I can get along with her. I don't know what she thinks half the time, but I just have to give it time. Then there's (Y/n), he is just so hot~. Tall, long hair, strong, definitely not bad on the eyes. However, I can tell he's uneasy around us. It makes me wonder what we can do as a team to take down that wall so he can get closer to us.

Weiss' POV

I feel bad for what I said about the Faunus, I mean I understand why he's so upset, and I know not all Faunus' are the same but normally I don't feel bad, yet this is different.. I want to fix things and I want to be around him more I just want to get to know him. I want him to know that I am deeply sorry for what I said and that he knows I'm different from the rest of my family.

Ruby's POV

Hey, what do you think about? What goes on in your head, weapons? Food? Cookies!? (Y/n) is ridiculously strong, but he doesn't seem too fond of being close to anyone. What can I do to change that? As team leader I want everyone on the same page and happy as friends.

I opened my eyes fully to see him close up sleeping peacefully after last night he was shaking so I decided to lay with him, and he calmed down. He looks so peaceful and gentle...

-end of POVs-

(Y/n)'s eyes fluttered open to look right into silver ones, his heart started beating faster and felt his face heat up. Ruby's face did the same.

Ruby: G-Good morning (Y/n)

(Y/n) was lost for a few seconds then he slowly backed away.

Ruby: Wait.

She grabbed his wrist making him stop where he was going and looked at her.

Ruby: The others aren't awake yet, I want to talk to you at least for a little bit.

She's the team leader so it's not like he couldn't exactly reject so he got a little closer so he could hear Ruby a little better.

Ruby: Okay... I want to know more about you (Y/n), you're a part of the team. This is your team just as much as it is mine or Yang's.

(Y/n) never took his eyes off of hers, unbeknownst he did want to be close with them, however the things that happened in his past make it really hard. He's sure they're all strong they've made it into Beacon after all, he just didn't want to take any chances.

(Y/n): It's not that simple Ruby.

Ruby scooted a little closer to hear him, she never took her eyes off of his either.

(Y/n): Knowing me can come with problems and the last thing I want is to put you all in danger.

This was the first time they had an actual conversation where it was just them and not anyone else trying to but in. She saw the look in his eyes, and it was the same one he's always had, they look so beautiful but deep down there's pain.

Ruby placed a hand on (Y/n)'s cheek.

(A/N: Bold move Rubes Bold move.)

Ruby: Whatever comes our way we'll face it together, we aren't going to leave you alone (Y/n), you are a part of this team now. It's a family, and we have your back... How about this, after our classes me and you go into town and we hangout? Like what normal friends/teammates would do, I think that could be fun.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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