chapter 5

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Nialls pov

Why am i this sick? I hear a knock and not much later darcy walks in with a lad. I think 24/25 years.

"You mu-" before i can say anything i throw up again. "Uh so this is my uncle niall also your boss. Uncle ni? This is mason," darcy says. I just wave. "He doesn't like help," darcy says. They walk out and i decide to take a shower.

After that i go back in bed. I am empty. I can live with that now i can loose some weight.

Masons pov

We get to 3 rooms, all very big and nice colored. "Which one should i choose?" I ask. She shrugs. "We have still one room but i painted it so no one wants that," she says. "Let me see!" I say. She giggles and we get to a room that is whole blue and has glitters everywhere.

"Oh i love glitters and blue so i keep this one!" She giggles and jumps on the bed. I lay next to her and i start to tickle her. She burst out laughing when someone walks in. "Dar- who is that?" We both sit up and look at him. "Mason that is my dad! Dad this is mason! Uncle mickey saved him," he smiles.

"Oh so that is Mason?" He asks and i nod. "I heard you messed with the wrong people. I am louis," we shake the hands and louis turns to Darcy. "So tristan is gonna make food. Wanna help him? I mean we can eat burned food but no one wants that," darcy grins and nods. "Or we eat pizza!" Darcy says as she walks out.

"I heard you with darcy. Long as you don't hurt her in anyway i will not kill you," he says. "That would be nice yeah," i say with a chuckle. "Darcy really likes you. Like a lot so please don't break her," he says. I promise him and we go downstairs soon as we hear a alarm going off.

"For god sake Tristan! We will never let you cook again!" Louis yells at tristan. "So pizza then?" Darcy asks. "Maybe we should talk to niall about it," i suggest. "He doesn't really care what we eat only if we eat," james says. "He never eats with us," Ashton says.

After a while Niall walks down. He has a bit more collor in his face. "You okay?" Zayn asks. "I feel empty but thats all. Probably cus i threw up a lot,"

Nialls pov

The doorbell rings and i open it. I see an old girlfriend of mine with 2 kids. A boy and a girl. I think 4 years old. That would be possible cus that's the last time i saw her. Maybe before that.

"These little shits are all yours! Bye!" She says. "I am no dad!" I say. "You see max? He is you! Belle is you! Get over it!" I look at the boy and he looks exactly like me when i was younger. The lady walks away. Louis comes to us and looks confused at me. "I don't see 2 Nialls right?" I shake my head.

"I thought it was just me," i say also let them in. "Uh who are they?" Freddie asks. "My kids. Tris, Ash can you check them up?" I ask and they nod.

Ashtons pov

"I didn't know niall had kids," i say a bit confused. "I don't think anyone knew," we let them sit down in our hospital wing.

"What are your names?" I ask. "M-max a-and th-that i-is my si-sister be-belle," the boy says muttering. We lift up their shirts and see lots of wounds and scars. I feel so bad. "Did you find your soulmates yet?" The girl asks. "No but i will find him or her soon," i say. "I did but Niall doesn't believe it could be connor," Tristan says. "Visit him again. Ask niall to kidnap him," i say but he shakes his head.

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