chapter 6

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Tristans pov

"Why not?" Ash asks. "I'm scared to be honest. If connor is my soulmate niall will hate me for finding mine," ash shakes his head. "No niall is made of stone but we all know he cares. Also kids we need to clean those wounds," ash says and he has a point.

We clean the wounds while we hold their hands. They squeeze in it when it hurts but thats fine. "Why did Niall not know he had 2 kids?" Max asks. "Uh... he isn't the best at staying in a long relationship so he leaves sooner or later," i say.

Niall walks in. "How are they?" Niall asks. "They are fine. Just lots off wounds and cuts," i see how pissed Niall is. Not the fact the woman just left but abuse is something niall is really against. "Okay uh do you wanna share a room or not?" He asks and they nod. We show them a room and they lay in bed. "Can you keep the door open?" Belle asks and i nod.

We walk downstairs where niall is almost yelling. All the kids went to bed and it's better cus niall is really angry.

"I want them dead! She never told me a fucking thing and now! I want liam and harry dead soon too! Kidnap them I'll handle the rest for them myself," he says. "What about the kids?" Louis asks. "They live here," we nod and make ourselves ready. I am not going to ask for connor right now.

Liams pov

I am cleaning the kitchen cus we just had dinner when the doorbell rings. I open up, it's late so i wonder who it could be.

"Hello sir?" I ask. "Where are your kids?" A 4th man asks. "In bed," i say confused. "Good," they hit me with something hard and everything goes black.

Louis pov

For me the hard part is now. Taking harry, luckily i don't have too. We take them to our house and tie everything up so they can't walk away just like that.

Niall comes to us. "They're dead," he whispers. "No not yet," i feel my tattoo again and I look at niall who is scratching his tattoo too. Liam? Liam james payne his soulmate? Oh niall is gonna be pissed. "Let them for now," he says walking away.

Next day
Nialls pov

I walk to liam and Harry. They woke up just 10 minutes ago trying to walk away. I open the door.

"Thank god! You're louis friend? The shy one right?" Harry asks. "I am his friend. You know me too but now i can finally just pay you back," i say with a smile on my face. "What did you do to my kids?" Liam asks. "Not telling you! Shut the fuck up now!" I tell him.

"What do you want from us?" Harry asks. "That is simple. I want you dead but slowly and painful. You have hurt me a lot in high school and now i can get my revenge. Remember the name Niall?" I ask. They look at me confused. "Shit," i hear liam saying. "Yeah shit yeah," i say.

"Look we are really sorry okay?" Liam says. "No. No you're not and that's your problem. Cus of you i stopped eating and cutting myself. Also if you tell someone that comes in and out your kid will pay,"

Of course i am not gonna hurt a baby and a 6 year old boy. They're safe here. "You wouldn't!" Liam yells. "I would. So you keep your fucking mouth shut," i grab my pocket knife. "It really stinks getting cut," i put the knife on harrys skin and cut him but not very deep. I still need harry later. I do the same to liam but a bit deeper. I kick Liam hard in his stomach but not to harry. Again i need harry later. He will be the one who pulls the trigger to Liam.

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