chapter 9

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Masons pov

I feel like a babysitter but it's okay. Belle and Darcy get along well. Max and freddie and Bear get along too. Bear is liams and he has no clue of what is going on.

I feel bad for Liam and Harry. "Can you look if they're fixed?" Niall asks and i nod. I walk downstairs and open the door. They're both a sleep and i got them food.

"Wake up idiots," i say and they wake up scared. "I got you some food," i give it to them. "Why didn't you fucking stop him last night?" I believe it is liam asks angry. I shrug. I mean why would i?

"He could have killed us!" The other one says angry. "I think if he doesn't need you you'd be dead. I mean i just got here!" I say. "You could have stopped him!" Liam yells. "He is my boss! Maybe you shouldn't have fucking raped him in the past!" I yell back. They go silent and i take their plates.

"I don't support it but what you have done to him is way worse!" I tell them. I walk back to the other and throw the food away. Michael comes to me. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"I am so sick of people telling Niall what to do! Those 2 downstairs are a bunch off assholes who don't take any responsibility for what they did!"

Tristans pov

I walk to Niall. "Connor is my soulmate," i just say. "I'm glad for you. Let me guess you want him to live here?" I nod. "Okay we can get that happen but he is your responsibility! If he does something wrong it is your fault you understand that right?" I nod but he doesn't turn to me.

He is bleeding. Oh dear lord! I run to mason. "He cut himself!" I tell him and mason and i run back to niall. "For god sake niall! Why the hell would you do that?!" Mason asks pissed.

"I have to keep an eye on you but you make it fucking hard! You tell me to give those stupid prisoners food so you can cut yourself?! Guess what? I am never leaving you again!" Mason basically yells. This is kinda stupid but i think this is the test. We all had something like this but all different.

"I never fucking asked you to!" Niall yells back turning around and sitting down. "I don't give a fuck! Louis asked me! He is your best fucking friend! Either you like it or not! I am not leaving you again!" I see a little smile appearing on Nialls face.

"Why the hell are you smiling?! You think this is fucking funny?" Mason asks. "Tristan get your soulmate," i nod and walk out.

Louis and zayn walk to me. "What happened? We heard yelling!" Louis says worriedly. "Mason passed the test"

I go to Connors apartment and knock on the door. He opens it and he looks tired. "What? Here to drug me again?" He asks and i shake my head. "Nope. You're my soulmate so i am taking you with me. Grab things you need" i tell him calm. He looks kinda confused at me.

I show him my tattoo and he shows his. Both very red and ichy. "Fine! I am grabbing some clothes okay?" I nod and walk in with him. "You don't have any pictures you wanna take?" I ask. "Nope. I don't need those" he says and i nod.

"So if you get in trouble i am the one who will be punished so don't get in any trouble. I love my life" he chuckles and nods. "Why you come so easily?" I ask. "Well it is coming with you or getting kidnapped like the new neighbors liam and Harry" i nod. "They're horrible people" i tell him.

We arrive at the house and connor has a mouth open. "Close your mouth or there will be bugs flying in it!" I say and he closes his mouth.

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