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" Where should I put this box ?" Evan asked as he held up a brown box labelled '4' .

" Put it on the kitchen top . I'll need stuff from there tonight " I said as I opened the windows of the living room.

" Rain where should I place the bed , in the room with the balcony or the one without it " I turned around to see Jordan and Jael carrying my newly purchased double bed .

" The one with the balcony please " I said .

" How many boxes are left ?" I asked

" Not much just 19 or 17 more " Jordan replied from inside my room .

" So how does it feel ?" Evan asked standing beside me .

" I don't know . I'm a bit sad for leaving Arden but I'm also happy , like there is a turmoil of emotions inside me " I said .

" Well I suppose it will take you time to adjust , after all , I could never have done something you did . "

" Yeah , well I hope that Jason and Arden will be happy" Evan put his arm on my shoulder.

" Just know that I am always here for you . And Jordan too " he said

" Thanks , honestly Jordan was a major help , without him I couldn't have afforded to buy the furniture for my new house , his mate will be a lucky one " a blush appeared on Evan's face .

" Yeah" he mumbled.


" That was all " Jordan said placing two boxes on the floor . He sat on the couch followed by Evan and Jael.

" Thanks guys " I said as I handed then some chilled orange juice.

" Nah no problem" Evan replied " but just a question" he looked at Jael. " What is this son of a bitch doing here !?" He yelled.

" Volunteer work " he replied

" Go and volunteer somewhere else you prick "

"That's harsh , after all the work I did youare chasing me away "

" Oh yeah well my Jordan did more work than you so only he will get a reward"

" Your Jordan?"

" Yes his Jordan" Jordan replied as he grasped Evan's waist .

" Guys guys . I wouldn't want a fight breaking out here " I said as I stood up and took the empty glasses in the kitchen.

" Anyways I'm leaving" Jael said as he stood up .

" Yeah get out . Nobody invited you anyway" Evan grumbled.

I laughed at him. Jordan and Evan mumbled something to each other and then stood up .

" Rain I think we should take our leave too " Jordan said

" Oh won't you stay for dinner it's about time " I said .

" No . Besides you should get some rest , we'll come around next time " Evan said .

" Well okay " I said and went to the doorway to bid them farewell.

After I Saw them leave in Jordans fancy car I went back inside and closed the door behind me . I scanned the house, it was a mess alright . But I didn't have energy for that , my legs were hurting badly and what's worse was my head . I went towards the couch and carefully laid on it . It was almost 8pm , I shut my eyes and let myself drift off into a deep sleep .


I shot my eyes open as I felt sick in the pit of my stomach. I covered my mouth and rushed towards the bathroom, kneeling infront of the cubicle I let out everything that was inside my stomach. I felt like I was going to die but then I felt a strong hand rub my back in circles I calmed down a bit and flushed the toilet.

It took me quite awhile to realize that there was a stranger in my house . I quickly turned around and saw a 6' 2 man standing with his upper half exposed. He had blonde locks for hair which reached a bit above his shoulders, green eyes which looked like flowers blooming. He has at least 4 piercings .

" Before you shout . I'm the landlords grandson, I arrived last night " I relaxed a bit .

" Oh ... Sorry for the disgusting sight you had to see " I apologized.

" It's okay , I better get used to it though. I heard from gramps that you're pregnant" he said . I looked down .

" Yeah . I am" I answered

" Oh well , if you want anything, like if you have any cravings tell me , I'll get it for you " he said as he passed me a bottle of water .

" Thanks" I said.

" Can you eat eggs ?" He asked

" Yeah "

" Well brush your teeth , I'm going to prepare breakfast"

" Oh it's okay "

" No worries. I'll do it " he walked out with that .

As soon as he went out I covered my face which was flushed red . How could I let such a beautiful man see me puking?


" My name is Adam Culkin, Im a doctor" the man said as he passed my my plate of breakfast.

" I'm Rain Dulles. " I said as I stuffed the beacon in my mouth . It was freaking amazing.

" Weren't you supposed to be the Luna of the pack ?" I chocked on my food . He passed me a glass of juice

" Well yes but ... thing's didn't work out so I had to leave "

" So this child is Arden's?" He asked . I nodded.

" Ohhh"

" Well at least you had the self respect to leave him and start anew " he said . I felt proud for some reason and let a proud smile creep up to my lips.

" Thanks " I said and after that we both quietly ate our delicious breakfast.

I'm thinking of shipping these two but I really need your opinion.
Do you guys think I should continue the story with the two of them falling for each other or not?
Please leave your reviews in the comments section. ( It would really help )

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