- Introduction to the Fleet -

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3rd P.O.V.

"Uhm, you think he's gonna be okay Supply?"

"He'll be fine, he's just unconscious from the impact, nothing was broken or anything life-threatening."

"That's good. We wouldn't want our admiral getting injured on our first meeting with him."

"Blame that on Arctic for that to happen."

On a small island in the middle of the ocean, we see eight men and one woman standing around the unconscious admiral on the grass, looking worried for Connor's well-being after Arctic hit him square in the chest. The reason for that, Arctic decided to speed toward Connor at full speed, not knowing the consequences she did to Connor.

These nine people came out from the box that Connor opened, of course, he would be surprised if he saw them coming out but right now, he is currently unconscious because a certain girl came out that Connor didn't have time to react and hit him.

"Hey! I didn't know he was there in the first place!" Arctic argued with Supply, who in turn scoffed at her argument.

"That's why I said, don't move out so quickly! we didn't know what was on the other side, and because of that you hit our admiral!" Supply argued back to Arctic, she pouted at Supply as she glared at him.

"Well it's not my fault that he's in front of the chest in the first place!" she barked, hitting Supply's forehead in the process.

Then Supply rebutted and pushed his towards Arctic, "It's not his fault that he didn't know what's about to happen!"

"Well, maybe he should know!"

"He didn't dumbass!"

Then Arctic let out a, le gasp, "How dare you say that to your lover!"

"You may be my lover but you act childish!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

Then the newly discovered couple continued arguing back and forth, throwing insults at each other. Normally, their friends would calm down them both before the situation escalates, but they were so used to it that they didn't even bother stopping them. Letting the two argue with no one to stop them.

"Welp, they're at it again," the tallest person in the group sighed, "Can't believe it's our first day with our admiral, and already the two are arguing."

The person who is next to him chuckled, "Just let them be, they'll come to their senses and calm down," then he looked at the couple who are still arguing intensely, almost going far as pulling out their weapons and pointing each other, which promptly made him sweat drop, "Hopefully sooner."

When the couple pulled out their weapons, three people from the group moved towards the two and held them down before they could fire their weapons at each other. Two people held down and attempted to calm down Supply while one person held Arctic in place.

"I sure hope so," the tallest person replied to his friend next to him.

While the two talked, another person standing next to the tallest person, looked behind him where their admiral is unconscious, "Hey Arleigh, is our admiral still good?"

The said Arleigh who is kneeling down next to Connor looked at the person who called him with a nod, "He's fine Bunker, although I don't know when will he wake up."

Bunker sighs, "Just make sure he wakes up and gets this over with," after that, he looked back at the couple who is still arguing with three people struggling to hold them back.

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