- Setting Sail Once Again -

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3rd P.O.V.

"Whats an Observer?"

Warren and Connor talked to each other for a while. Connor still tries to understand his current situation at his hand. On the one hand, he is dead and brought back to life suddenly, while on the other, the person is talking to him.

If a teenager or a child managed to get here and see Warren, most would spout nonsense, being scared by his presence, and asking numerous questions towards him, making him rather irritated.

But Connor or any adult, they are more patient and calmer than the kids, sure they are scared at some point, but they can handle the situation to the best of their abilities.

Warren, sensing Connor's confusion about his title, decided to tell him what an Observer is, "An Observer, like me, is a God that rules an entire Universe."

Now, this surprised Connor greatly, not expecting to meet a god, of all beings in front of him, "Oh Uhm," he stammered, not knowing how to talk about this, "So, you're a god?" he asked him, not believing that he is currently meeting a god.

"That is correct Connor," he answered.

This was an answer that he didn't expect nor ever wanted to hear, right in front of him, a powerful deity, to each other like normal people.

Now, normally people would be freaked out and bowed down to him because of a presence of a god. But Connor stood his ground, despite knowing that he might get punished for not bowing in the presence of a god, it might be foolish to most people, but the old and wise person he is. He is calm rather than panicking.

"I see," he said, he then starts squeezing his eyelids with his right hand and sighing, "This piece of information is not what I'm expecting to hear from you," he muttered under his breath.

Warren found this amusing and chuckled at Connor's situation, "You know, you are different from the others that are in a similar situation like you." He remembered the other mortals who got transported into another universe or world.

This caught Connor's attention, "Others? like other people were here?"

Warren hummed in confirmation, "Yep, there are people whose in a similar situation as you are r right now," he chimed.

Connor was shocked, to say the least, so he's not the only one who gets to experience this. But of course, he doesn't know that most people that were here were his relatives that died or got transported to another world because of accidents.

"So what's the reason that I'm here then?" Connor asked again to Warren, still questioning why a god needs him here when he's a literally powerful being.

"As I said before, I need your help," he raised his hand and conjured a small device in his palm, surprising Connor with the sudden appearance of a small device on his hand.

The device hums to life and projects a planet, but to his surprise, the planet was Earth!

"Is that-" Connor pointed at the projected planet with a moon that is all too familiar circling around it, "Earth?" he asked Warren, still pointing to the projection while looking at him in the eyes.

Warren nodded, "But why are you showing my planet again?" Connor asked him again, confused as to why is he showing his planet again.

But to Connor's surprise, Warren shook his head, "This is not your planet, while the planet is similar to yours, it's different," he said to Connor.

"How come?"

"The Multiverse exists my friend."

This surprised Connor again, not expecting that answer, "I See..." Connor said, not only there's a god in front of him, but the multiverse also exists. Looks like those theories about more than one universe are true.

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