Do & Don't Of Roleplay

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There are a lot of dos and don'ts when it comes to making a roleplay series that many people would have thought about or did some research on Google and YouTube regarding how to avoid mistakes.

Obviously, I can't say if these are incorrect or not...though I myself like to think these are just people's suggestions based off their experiences when it comes to creating and planning roleplays.


1) Don't make your character too powerful. It's okay for them to lose a battle and get hurt.

2) Try not to make all your characters date each other.

3) Don't relate your character to yourself. This can cause confusion and arguments. Especially if you say that your character dislikes this person then that person messages you asking why you wrote that.

4) DO NOT copy other people's roleplays. Having an idea based of the roleplay may be okay but don't make it the same as theirs.

5) If one of your characters is a toddler, don't make them talk like this. 'Goo dwoogy.' Toddlers can talk normal so don't make them say every word wrong.

6) When you are going to kill off one of your characters, don't let someone else write that they can heal them with magic because the whole point is that character being killed off as part of the plot or storyline.

7) If you're going to make your character and another fall in love then make sure there isn't a big age gap. This can make roleplays weird and your fans kind of hating on the other character and yours, maybe even you as well since you are the creator and let it happen.

8) Know your character, their abilities, and personality. This is something I have witnessed myself. As humans, yes we do change personality, but as a roleplay...your character cannot suddenly decide to have an attitude without there being a explanation to it. Such as; Your character gets into an argument with their parents, but you don't place that part into the roleplay which will then totally confuse people as to why your character is behaving like that.

9) Boundaries! Always ask your voice actors for rules and boundaries as it would be wrong to make them do a roleplay where they're not comfortable voicing that character because of that character's background or they've been through similar experiences and it could trigger them.

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