Worlds Collide

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A regular teenage girl moves into a shared rented house since she can't afford to rent her own house. But she gets the shock of her life when discovering that she is going to be living with two boys and not girls as she was told. Both boys are demons and have never lived with a human girl before. How will the girl react when she finds out, and will they be friendly towards her?


~ Louise Smith

~ William Smith (Louise's dad)

~ Mary Smith (Louise's mum)

~ Theo (Louise's Roommate & Immortal Demon)

~ Sebastian (Louise's Roommate & Immortal Demon)

~ Sophie Gomez (Louise's best friend since primary school)

~ Addison (William's New Girlfriend)

~ Elliott (Friends with Louise and Sophie)

(There may be more characters throughout the series once planned properly.)

Characters' Backstory

Louise Smith is an ordinary human being who is 18 years old. All her life, it's just been her, her mum, and her dad living as a happy family until one of her dad's work colleague 'accidently' let slip on her 17th birthday how William has been seeing another woman named Addison. The poor man couldn't of had a worse timing to spill the truth. But to his defence, the man thought Louise's parents were already divorced. This led to William being kicked out of the house by Mary and made to stay with his girlfriend.

Louise decided she couldn't keep living in her mum's house, listening to them arguing on the phone about divorce papers almost everyday, so Louise decided to get a job at a coffee shop and started looking for her own place. Only, the prices are too high for rent until she came across a shared house with a bedroom available and sent an email to the owner of the house to ask for more details.

The owner emailed back fairly quickly with all the information about the shared house, the rent, and who she'll be living with. Louise was pleased to see she would be living with two other girls so she doesn't have to listen to her parents going on about boys and how she will end up a teenage parent which they always say about her getting a boyfriend.

Mary & William have been married for 19 years and are both in their 40's. They were a happy couple who often acted like teenagers in love but tried to tone it down around Louise since they don't want her dating until she's at least 30 and out of the teenage stage and got her life together with a good job that pays her a decent amount of money. But since William's affair came out, the two have been nonstop arguing over the phone and in person, especially around Addison.

Still working on the other characters background.

Theme Song

We Come Alive - Waykap

Episode Ideas (Please note that these are just random ideas that friends have suggested on Discord amongst my own ideas!)

1) Louise pulls up with her bags and boxes to find out she'll be living with two boys. These boys welcome her into the house and show her to the spare bedroom. Louise double checks with the owner and they even tell her that it's their fault and how the girl's house is full.

2) Louise goes to her job and it just happens that Sebastian and Theo walk in and are surprised to see her working there since they don't know anything about her.

3) Sebastian tries to get to know Louise on her day off since they are now living under one roof. Louise tells him a little about herself then asks about him, but he seems to be hesitating and nervous. Luckily, Theo walks into the house and asks Sebastian to help him outside with his car.

4) Sophie persuades Louise into going on a date with someone she knows since she's never been on one before. On the date, Louise sees her mum sitting across the room with another man and tries to hide before she gets spotted.

5) On a hot day, Louise, Sebastian, and Theo go to the fair and Sebastian gets protective of her for some unknown reason to Louise since she doesn't know the signs of a boy liking her.

6) Louise's mum gets married.

7) An old crush just happens to show up at Louise's house and the boys don't like them and tries to get Louise away from the person.

8) Louise gets a pet on her day trip out with Elliot.

9) Sebastian has bought Louise a bunch of flowers and when they arrive, Louise is confused since there isn't any note and she spends the day trying to work out who got them for her.

10) Louise finds out that Theo and Sebastian are demons. She freaks out a bit but starts to realise that they haven't tried to hurt her when they could've. She forgives them for hiding the secret and promises not to tell anyone.

11) Louise comes back from work to find the house on fire and then her and the boys have to sleep in a hotel until they find somewhere else to live.

12) At Louise's birthday party, her dad announces his girlfriend's pregnancy which takes the spotlight off Louise.

13) Theo goes on a date with a guy or a girl, and Sebastian and Louise are happy for him until they are being dragged along to help him out.

14) Elliot tries to make Sebastian jealous for a whole day so he can realise his feelings for Louise and get him to admit it.

15) Sebastian and Louise finally date.

16) Louise accidentally ends up in the past by touching something that belongs to Theo and Sebastian that they left lying around. When they find out that the item has been touched, they try to work out where Louise could have gone.

17) Theo finds Louise sick and takes care of her whilst Sebastian is away.

18) Theo and Elliot hear Sebastian and Louise arguing and tries to figure out what is going on after they storm out the house. Theo goes after Sebastian, Elliot follows Louise to her mum's house where she ends up staying for a few days to be alone from the boys.

19) Louise meets more old friends from high school and introduces them to Theo and Sebastian, and one of them takes a liking to Sebastian which causes Louise to get jealous.

20) Louise gets married and moves out of the house.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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