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Team 1- Admi, Alice, Anis, Biscuit, Cocoa, Vesti, Liter, Drake, Epinel, Guillotine, and Jackal.

Team 2- Anne, Neon, Noah, Poli, Soline, Volume, Signal, Rupee, Milk, Neve, and Modernia.

Narrators- Exia and Novel.

Goalies- Drake and Poli.

Cheerleaders- Emma, Diesel, Centi and Belorta.

During The Match:
"Admi and Alice found a butterfly on the side of the field and decided to ditch the game to go and find it. Anis tried in the beginning, but ultimately failed and rage quit. Biscuit and Cocoa started getting high off spiked dog treats (most likely by Noah) and started going crazy. Vesti stood awkwardly in the middle of the field the entire time not really knowing what to do, whole Liter and Epinel were playing the game pretty well. Drake was salty about being put as goalie, so she tried to sabotage the game, resulting in Guillotine getting hurt and chasing Drake down with her dragon. Jackal, on the other hand, was eating grass and Anne's notebook on the sidelines.

Anne freaks out and runs off the field, not knowing anything anymore, while Signal attempts to bring her back and save her. Noah continues to bully people as she insults Poli during the game and makes her cry. Soline, being the kid she is, plays pretty well with Epinel and Liter, and even gets Milk to come through and help. Rupee was live-streaming the whole thing, but not doing anything football related 'cause she's not that kinda girl. Volume is blasting music in Neve's ears, trying to wake her up. Modernia was a little choppy at first, but got it down pretty quickly and started doing pretty well and having fun. Until Neon rushed into the field and caused a mass shooting that resulted into half the players getting hurt."
- Exia and Novel replaying the events to you

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