If you were on your period

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Diesel- Give you an assortment of strawberry candies and watch cartoons with you.

Pepper- Give you a heating pad, and lots of different flavors of juice.

Anderson- Freak out an avoid you like the plague 'cause he thinks your contagious.

Frima- Gives you a large cream coffee and take a nap with you.

Anne- Say "I'm sorry" and just walk away.

Mica- Get your burrito blanket and help wrap yourself up into it.

Syuen- Laugh at you.

Julia- Make your ears bleed harder than your vagina.

Guillotine- Perform a ritual to get the demon out of you.

Folkwang- Share her supplements with you, thinking it will help.

Exia- Bring her switch and chill with you.

Admi- Give you a "get better soon" balloon and a kitty plushie.

Alice- Give a prayer to the Snow Queen to heal you.

Dolla- Get you some shady dark web medicine to help.

Emma- Cuddle with you.

Brid- Do research on a wiki how article and do everything it says in order.

Mary- Prescribes rest and relaxation.

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