If you got (purposefully) hurt by someone

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Anderson- Finds them and 5x their taxes.

Laplace- "Justified" assault

Yan- Sell all of the person's items.

Yuni- Goes to visit for a "talk".

Sugar- Breaks out of her cool character.

Modernia- Their house may or may not have baby raptures in there now.

Rapi- Sue them for assault.

Miranda- Goes to arrest them 'cause what they did was against the law.

Pepper- Treat your wounds without many questions to now stress you out.

Viper- Credit card number, leaked.

Milk- Went with Yuni with some extra caffeine.

Alice- Goes over to said person and yells at how mean they were.

Epinel- Let's you vent your frustration and pain.

Crow- Feels mildly bad, but will never admit it.

Shifty- Thinks you're being dramatic.

Anis- Keeps you company while you recover.

Centi- Brings you food every day.

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