On your birthday

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Alice- Planned the entire party and even baked the cake.

Ludmilla- Helping Alice with the oven for the cake and financial issues.

Anis- Brought all the snacks and drinks.

Aria- Singing happy birthday in her angelic voice.

Eunwha- Didn't care enough to show up to the party or do anything for you.

Folkwang- Was wearing a really elegant outfit, just for her nervousness to ruin it and make her change.

Isabel- Hung onto your arm the entire night, constantly giving you compliments and little squeezes.

Miranda- Bringing up all the violations the party is breaking.

Noah- Stole all the gifts and replaced them with empty chip bags.

Quency- Noticed Noah and decided to help out.

Soda- "Cleaning" your house in a more suggestive costume than usual.

Soline- Practicing flips in your backyard on the trampoline.

Yulha- Grumbling the entire time 'cause Admi dragged her here.

Yuni- Traumatizing Anis.

Liter- Came, dropped off a gift of new weapon parts, and left.

Shifty- Fell asleep a while ago.

Snow White- Came right as it was ending and missed the whole thing.

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