The Hunter's Exam!

Start from the beginning

More like clown.

"Anyway, here—," he pulls out two cans of a orange drink and holds it out for me to take. "Take this as a sign of friendship." I take the drink and inspect the can silently, I had never heard of this brand before. However, before I can open the drink I feel someone tug on my arm.

"H-Huh?" I look to see a boy who's around the same height as me, he's got fluffy white hair, pale skin, deep blue eyes and is wearing a white shirt with a purple turtleneck underneath, shorts and purple shoes. I noticed that in one of his hands is  a skateboard.

"Oh Killua, you're back. If you wanted another drink you could have just said s—!"

"Nah, I'm good. You don't need to waste your drinks on someone who wasn't going to even drink it." Killua says as he takes the can from me.

"Oh...I see..." Tonpa annoyingly says.

Killua then turns and walks off, leaving me with Tonpa. I watch him, hesitating to follow him, but ultimately decide to. "Hey, wait up!" I call after the boy.

He pauses and glances back at me, "hm?"

"Why did you interfere like that back there?" I ask, "how would you have known if I wanted the drink or not?"

He turns his body to me, "you wouldn't be able to handle what's in this drink."

I cross my arms, "you don't think I could handle some chemicals?" I questioned.

"I mean sure you could, but not this type."

My brows furrow, "I don't—."

"There's a laxative in this drink," he explains as my eyes widen a bit, and he was really fixing to give that too me?! "Anyway—," his blue eyes glance to my pin, "number hundred...what's your name?"

"My name is Y/N, I heard Tonpa call you Killua...right?"

He nods, "that's it."

I glance around, "I think we're the only kids taking this thing."

He nods, "probably. Not many parents would let their kid do such a dangerous thing."

"But your parents did?" I ask him with a raised brow.

"Barely." He says, opening the drink and taking a sip from it.

"Care to explain?" I tilt my head curiously.

"Sure. Let's go sit over there." Killua points over to one of the walls. We go over and sit down side by side. Killua then goes onto tell me that he's an assassin and was born into the infamous Zoldyck family. He told me that he only decided to take the exam to get away from his home and to choose his own destiny, he made it very clear to me that he didn't want to be an assassin anymore.

"That's honestly the coolest thing I've ever heard, minus all the trauma that probably came with it," I admit smiling softly.

"I'm more surprised you didn't flip out, a lot of people do," Killua admits, his eyes on the stone floor.

"Well just because you were born into a bad family doesn't mean that you're necessarily bad. I think you coming to the Hunter's Exam to change your ways is great." I continued to smile at him, I noticed a pink hue across his cheeks.

He suddenly stood up, skateboard in hand, "I'm going to get another drink." Killua then walks off to find Tonpa which leaves me alone.

I glance at the crowd, I hadn't noticed all the other people coming in. There's a lot more people. My eyes stopped on three individuals however, it was three boys. One of them stood out from the rest, he was clearly younger than the other two—probably about my age, and wore all green. The other was blonde and the final one was tall and wore a suit, the taller one seemed a lot more older.

I stared at them, not in a creepy way or anything, I was just curious. They were talking to Tonpa, no doubt Tonpa was trying the trick he did on me earlier. I glanced around the crowd again but I didn't spot Killua, where did he go? Sure Killua was short amongst all these taller people, but his white hair makes him stick out.

A scream rang through the place, the scream echoing off the walls. I looked to where it was coming from, a man was sat on the floor, his arms turning into flower petals. Hisoka was standing in the distance, carefully watching with a sinister smile. "You should apologize if you pump into somebody." My eyes narrowed at Hisoka, he gives me a bad vibe.

"Thank you all for waiting, and with that all participants here are participating in this years Hunter's Exam." I stood up and looked to see a man with purple hair and a mustache, he must be one of the examiners. "It is now time for the exam, please follow me!"

And with that, phase one of the Hunter's Exam had started.

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