Find Her 13

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Pietro pov

We had just messaged Ghost to see if she was okay but she left the conversation weirdly. we didn't think too much of it because she said she was waiting for an Uber.

We were just sitting around when the elevator opened and Scott, Kate, and Peter walked in, they all looked in distress.

"Lang, whats going on." Sam said noticing what I did. Scott started to mumble to himself and to Kate which she was nodding along to.

"SCOTT!" I yelled out impatiently and he look at me, "What Happened?" I said calmer this time as everyone was shocked by my outburst.

"We can't find Candi." Kate finally spoke up "she called me a few days ago asking me to cover her shifts, she said that her and MJ were in hiding and couldn't tell me where and I haven't heard from either of them since." Kate blurted out.

"Shit" I whispered grabbing my phone and starting to dial a number. I know exactly where she is.

"Pietro, Where is she?" Wanda spoke to me having reading my thoughts. "Just give me a second" I said putting the phone to my ear.

I had dialled the number of a burner phone that was in the safe house, It rang for awhile before someone picked up "Hello?" I heard a female voice speak through the phone.

"Candi?" I spoke back. "No it's MJ, Who is this? Whats's going on?" I heard through the phone. "It's Pietro, Where's Candi?" I asked.

"She went out like two hours ago, she messaged me 30 minutes ago to say she was calling an Uber and then coming back, but she should've been back 15 minutes ago." She spoke stressed.

"Okay is there a way you can come to the Avengers Tower?" I asked worried.

"Yeah Candi left her bike here, she taught me how to ride it just in case." She spoke before hanging up.

"Pietro, What was that?" Clint asked in his 'Dad' tone. "That was the number to a burner phone I put in my safe house." I said forget the fact it was a secret from them.

"You have a safe house?" Clint asked giving me the 'Dad' look. "Little bit, yeah," I said nervously, while everyone just sighed and glared at me.

Kate and Peter ran us through what happened and that they had been to their apartment and the state it was in, and that there was bullets In her door and the elevator door.

A few minute later MJ walked in from the elevator panicking. "Where is she? I haven't heard from her in a long time," She said worried.

We were discussing how to find Candi and get her back when the alarm went off about a group of people in the middle of the park doing some kind of magical Ritual which we were called onto.

"Right, everyone jet leaves in five get ready." Stark said as Kate and Peter quietly left while MJ was asleep on the couch.

507 words

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