Miya's Pov

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Miya's Pov

Growing up I was always a quiet child but that was okay because I had Mom. I would tell her everything while she combed my hair or made food in the kitchen.

I loved her so very much but he just didn't understand that. He would yell  at her infront of all the maids and butlers. He slapped and punched her when he was angery.

He abused her but she never left him. She never talked back or said anything to him. All she did was whisper to me that everything was okay. She said it was okay but her constant sobbing said otherwise.

I thought that I wanted the crying and beating to stop but I was never prepared for what happened next.

She died. She died in an accident. The accident wasn't sever but with all Dad's beatings, her body must have been to weak to survive.

My mother's absence made me the new victim and I endured it for so many years.

I thought all hope was lost until the boy at the cafe tried talking to me.

He was so persistent, it was annoying. So I bluntly shut him down but I couldn't keep doing that when I transferred to his school and somehow ended up in his class.

It was definitely awkward at first but he was really nice and cared for his little sister and mother. He was everything I wanted my Dad to be.

He made me laugh and took me to a festival. He introduced me to his friends and family. I loved his Mom, she was like my Mom and I wanted to be with her forever.

He was so amazing and the best thing that happened to me in years. When I was with him I was somehow able to forget about the my life and just be happy.
I thought it would go on forever but then he changed.

He grew distant and started hanging out with people that weren't good for him. He neglected his family and friends which was truly a sad sight to witness.

I took care of his mom and sister hoping he would go back to normal.

I had, had enough and confronted him but he used my abuse against me.

I realized that continuing to live there wasn't going to solve anything so I made a plan to move.

He finally came around and I forgave him but I wasn't able to say goodbye so I wrote him a note and gave him something he always asked.

Now I'm ready to start afresh in this new town and new school. This time I know what happiness is and I'm going to make sure I experience it.

No matter how great this new town is. I'll always miss Max, James, Lee and Robby.

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