3|The deal

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"One Americano.." her mesmerizing voice said.

"Not too sweet." I interrupted.

"Yes exactly I'll be sitting over there."

"Typing again?"


"Another story I take it"


I screwed up again... I just finished her sentence for her but she did not care. Most girls would be impressed, or maybe that just happens in the movies. I tried making small talk but dang she won't even try to keep the conversation going. Her answers are straight and to the point, no emphasis. Are all girls like this?

"What's the point in trying to talk to this girl she obviously doesn't want to plus I have a hustle to continue."

"Aww did she break your heart already?" James asks

"Come on James it's not funny."

"What? It's been three months and you still haven't gotten her name."

"It's not that easy you know."

"How hard could it be."

"Harder than you think."

"I'm going to give it a shot, if I get her name you have to buy me a cup of Cappuccino."

"Sure." I said trying to seem confident that he'd lose even though I knew that there was 80% chance of him winning.

James walked towards her table and said somethings I couldn't quite hear. I tried reading his lips but that turned out to be harder than I imagined.

He came back smiling.

"Well mate, I have good news and bad news."


"Good news is, you win so no cappuccino for me. The bad news is that it will take a miracle for you to get her name because I don't know what kind of girl she is, she just won't budge."

I was relieved that James didn't get to know her name before I did but disappointed because now it seems impossible to get her to talk to me. If she didn't even give James a chance, she'll never give me one.

★ ★ ★
Author's note

Hello everyone, what do you think of this chapter?
Will Does James stand a chance?
Tell me in the comments
Sorry for any grammar or spelling errors

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