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The last two weeks have been filled with disappointment, Miya doesn't even respond at times and when we are at the cafe she acts like she doesn't even know.

A normal person would at least try to make a conversation but she just orders her coffee and goes to her table where she doesn't even stare at me once.

"One Americano not too sweet please."

"Yep I got it." I said turning to face her.

That's when I noticed it, her specs.It was one of those days again...

For the past 3 and a half months that I've worked here, Miya would stop wearing her specs for a couple of days. I don't know why she did this but it made it very hard to see her face as her specs were the only thing keeping her hair out of the way. Another thing Miya did when removing her specs was suddenly wearing baggy clothes which covered her legs and her arms. She was completely covered in clothes and hair almost like she was hiding something.

Everytime she did this, she would always stay at the cafe until it was closing time. I once offered to walk her home but she refused.

I wonder if she just had a habit of suddenly covering up herself or if there was another reason for her strange behavior.

★ ★ ★
Author's note

What's Poppin everyone.
Why do you think Miya does this?
Do you think Max should get involved?
Sorry for any grammar or spelling errors

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