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On Monday I was so excited for the math lesson. Wait did I just say I was excited for math? It's not really the math I'm excited about but more like the person I'm sitting next to.

I got to my seat but Miya wasn't there. Was she sick?

James come to sit next to me in a rush while making sure Mrs Mathews wasn't coming.

"Hey Max did you hear the news? Ella Winterman is transferring to our math class." He says super fast and out of breath.

"Which Ella? You mean the queen B ? The one everyone wants to date?"

"Yea man I might just get to talk to her" He says rubbing his hands like he has some kind of plan.

"No offense bro but I can bet you a hundred bucks that she's only transferring for Ryan"

"Whatever man I gotta go" he runs back to his seat.

Mrs. Mathews enters the classroom with Ella by her side. I don't even think she needs to introduce Ella.

Ella sat next to Ryan right behind me. Which proved my deduction. Ella was just here for Ryan. It wouldn't surprise me if they were dating.

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